Forum: Virtual World Dynamics

Subject: Obtaining a compatible version for Daz Studio

VirtualWorldDynamics opened this issue on Aug 18, 2016 · 28 posts

VirtualWorldDynamics posted Thu, 18 August 2016 at 3:52 PM

Philemot and I talked a lot about the distribution of the bridge for DAZ Studio. The version of VWD currently distributed on the renderosity market is not fully compatible with Daz Studio. We made many requests to Jenn to make this update, but I think she has a lot of work. We are annoyed of that, but we want to distribute the Daz Studio version. I told some words on this subject and I asked to Renderosity's buyers if they would accept to send me their emails to receive directly the updates. Some persons have received their updates using this method. Many persons want to buy our products and we are ready to distribute them. Philemot and I ask you if this solution is acceptable for you. We are convinced this solution is not the best one but, for now, it is the only one. We will continue to make requests to jenn to obtain the last VWD version on the Renderosity market. A new VWD version is in preparation and will be ready in the next weeks. The problem could be the same. Please, tell us your advice on this subject. Our decision will depend on your replies.


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TeknoGypsy posted Thu, 18 August 2016 at 4:19 PM

I'm not quite sure I follow: if we buy the bridge, you'll send us your (private) latest/greatest version of VWD that will work with the bridge? I'm ready to use the bridge, so whatever it takes for that to happen, I'm good with. Where do we send our money?

akuei2 posted Thu, 18 August 2016 at 5:47 PM

Hi, great to heard daz version are ready.

I'm new, and I always waiting full version VWD and daz bridge.

If yours make as bundle ( VWD full version + daz brige) and request with one person, more conveinence we are.

If separate sell, for me also okay.

Only a problem, how to pay to yours? By renderosity, or directly? lastest version request by mail ?

agape posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 1:49 AM

Is it just the newer version or older versions too?

Writers_Block posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 4:04 AM

What's the problem with it?

Mythico posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 5:01 AM

I'm very happy to hear that Daz Bridge is ready!

I hope I heard you correctly. Correct me if I'm wrong, you're saying...

If your concern is whether potential buyers will find the shopping process tedious, or may have issue with entrusting some strangers with personal email address, no issue on my part. I think it's healthy that indie developers have a good direct relationship with its small audience.

Quite a few Carrara and Daz Studio developers even host their tools on their own website where they keep the latest update and patches. It makes sense, given how busy and overworked the marketplace store admins tend to be. As a paying customer I'd love to have the option of having the update fixes emailed to me directly when it's ready, and not wait 4 weeks to 12 weeks for a version update to be uploaded!

You mentioned Philemot and VWD Bridge for Daz, but didn't mention how and where to buy the VWD Bridge for Daz. Presumably the bridge will be sold together with VWD on Renderosity shop?

It would indeed be ideal for all involved, I think, if we get to buy VWD and the Daz Bridge together from the same shop front. Even then, I cherish (and I think others too) your works so much I'm willing to shop at 2 different shops, or even on a different marketplace if I had to.

Thank you both creators and fellow beta testers. I look forward to a new bout of creativity for Daz Studio users!

NolosQuinn posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 6:16 AM

I've received your latest update. Just waiting for the Daz Bridge. Thanks.

'I'm paying for this movie. I want guns'

npayn posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 7:56 AM

I agree with Mythico, however from experience I suspect that you and Phil will be hit by fewer requests for assistance if you hold off launching the Bridge for Daz for sale on Renderosity until the updated "VWD Cloth And Hair" version is available on Renderosity (an update for those who have already purchased "VWD Cloth And Hair" or available for purchase new for those who have not).

Yes I hear the boos and hisses to that last statement from the many who are eagerly waiting for the Daz Bridge.

Ahh! the pleasures of market strategy and product support.

My thanks to you and Phil for your work and for whatever choice you make.

VirtualWorldDynamics posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 10:01 AM

Thank you to all for your encouragements. Yes, Mythico and npayn, the VWD update is ready since the sending of the latest demo version and the Bridge is fully ready since more than one week. The bridge for Daz Studio will be on sale at Renderosity but Philemot would prefer the update is made on the market. In fact, we're as eager as you. Perhaps, this update will be made soon because Philemot has received an email from Jenn, yesterday. I just resent her my messages with all the informations for the updates (full and Lite). If you send me an email, you will receive all the next updates faster. I don't need your personal email, you can use a specific email where I will send you the updates.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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NolosQuinn posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 12:09 PM

I see the VWD updates in the Marketplace. Now just waiting for the Daz Bridge.

'I'm paying for this movie. I want guns'

VirtualWorldDynamics posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 2:21 PM

Yes, the updates have been made by Jenn. Philemot wants to submit the bridge in the weekend.


Follow me on Twitter : @VWDynamics

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janrendo posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 4:21 PM

What timescale are we talking about if it was to be made through renderosity?

agape posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 6:13 PM

I am dancing all around with joy!! YaaaaY!! I just got paid so I am ready!!

TeknoGypsy posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 6:49 PM

If we've purchased VWD previously through Renderosity, will we be able to download the updated version?

npayn posted Fri, 19 August 2016 at 8:42 PM

TeknoGypsy, if you have previously purchased VWD through Renderosity the update will be available in your Renderosity account items list.

Go to your account in Renderosity. Go to the Item List in your account. Find VWD in your account items list. If you have purchased a lot of items you can use the search for item box or the search by vendor or you may just wish to use the right arrow-button at the top right to scroll to the next page of items until you find it.

The VWD item in your list should indicate on the right that it was updated on 2016-08-19 and thus the file in your item list will be the updated version. Click on the file name to download the updated file.

TeknoGypsy posted Sat, 20 August 2016 at 1:28 AM

Got it - thanks for confirming that!

agape posted Sat, 20 August 2016 at 11:51 PM

I noticed that a DS Release Candidate was posted on 8/18. Will this be the tweeked version that the Bridge will be compatible with?

Mythico posted Sun, 21 August 2016 at 2:55 AM

Just a note...

To minimise misunderstanding and confusion that will surely arise due to language differences and the complexity of this MULTI-FAMILY plugin, or just for the sake of basic communication clarity, it's best for all parties to be clear upfront:


philemot posted Sun, 21 August 2016 at 8:55 AM

extract from the product readme: This sofware is compatible with Daz Studio®4.8 (starting from V4.8.0.59 ) upward and VWD Cloth and hair® V1.0.408.2976 upward.

mamba-negra posted Mon, 22 August 2016 at 9:38 AM

Is this a windows only product or will it run fine on Mac? Does it matter which version of Poser we use, if there is only a DS bridge (maybe I missed something, but the impression I got was that there is no true DAZ version at this time).

philemot posted Mon, 22 August 2016 at 9:54 AM

mamba-negra posted at 4:50PM Mon, 22 August 2016 - #4280756

Is this a windows only product or will it run fine on Mac? Does it matter which version of Poser we use, if there is only a DS bridge (maybe I missed something, but the impression I got was that there is no true DAZ version at this time).

VWD Cloth and hair is a standalone program that come with an inbuilt bridge to Poser. Carrara bridge is already on sale, Studio Bridge will be soon (after review by Rendo Q&A). Mac version is right now under study.

mamba-negra posted Mon, 22 August 2016 at 10:11 AM

philemot posted at 10:06AM Mon, 22 August 2016 - #4280757

mamba-negra posted at 4:50PM Mon, 22 August 2016 - #4280756

Is this a windows only product or will it run fine on Mac? Does it matter which version of Poser we use, if there is only a DS bridge (maybe I missed something, but the impression I got was that there is no true DAZ version at this time).

VWD Cloth and hair is a standalone program that come with an inbuilt bridge to Poser. Carrara bridge is already on sale, Studio Bridge will be soon (after review by Rendo Q&A). Mac version is right now under study.

What do you mean, under study? Is it in the development or investigation phase? (as in, you haven't gotten far enough to have a good idea of feasibility or release date or is it actually under development?) As for the studio bridge, will it depend on poser or do you basically mean that the WD functions as a library that runs independently of any of these tools and the bridges are native plugins for the various apps that can make direct calls to the WD library?

I'm a C++ developer who uses Mac (though, I don't use Xcode, just make files). If you need a beta tester for Mac or have questions, I'd be happy to help in any way I can. I have to say, the switch over to LLVM has forced me to switch to use linux VM for certain development that depends on some libraries that weren't available to the LLVM compiler when I started the project. That may have changed by now...haven't really bothered to find out;)

philemot posted Mon, 22 August 2016 at 10:49 AM

I prefer to let VWD Cloth & Hair author reply on the mac subject, but I can speak about Carrara and Studio bridges. VWD Cloth & hair communicates natively with poser through poser Python interface. As you're a developer, I can talk shop. Technically, what the 2 other bridges do is to emulate this Python layer and translate it in a way understandable by the other product. For Carrara, it's done by adding a Python interface to Carrara. For studio, it's done by translating on the fly the Pyhon script sent by VWD into QTScript that can run in Studio (given a QTScript object layer reproducing Poser object layer).

mamba-negra posted Mon, 22 August 2016 at 10:52 AM

So, poser will not be required for the DS version? That should make it more stable, since both applications are diverging more and more as time goes on. Looking forward to word from VWD. I'm hoping a Mac version is available sooner than later, since...well...I would really like to use this:)

philemot posted Mon, 22 August 2016 at 10:54 AM

mamba-negra posted at 5:53PM Mon, 22 August 2016 - #4280770

So, poser will not be required for the DS version?

No, no need for Poser

Noneya72 posted Mon, 22 August 2016 at 4:51 PM

I have a question just to make sure I understand correctly. Will the lite version import animation? I will only be exporting one frame but I like to move into the final pose sometimes..

If it makes any difference I will be using the Daz bridge once it is available.

VirtualWorldDynamics posted Tue, 23 August 2016 at 6:28 PM

@mamba-negra : The Mac version is not in development. We begun to try the program using an emulation system. Some persons helped me to work in this project, but, by my fault on a great part, the project has stopped. I want to restart it and try to find a method to make it running on Mac.

@Noneya72c : the Lite version has been made for poses. Some complex poses need to use a short animation to obtain a correct positionning. A character can take several frames to go to its final position. The cloth will follow this character to go its final position too. You can use the SHIFT key to adjust the positionning of the cloth. When you are satisfied of your cloth or your hair, you can export its position to the host. Nevertheless, you cannot see the animation of the dynamic element because its animation is not recorded on the disk.


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Noneya72 posted Wed, 24 August 2016 at 10:05 AM

Thanks. That helped clear things up a bit.