Carrara Challenge 29: Anachronistic (and hair)
It is that time again, or is it? Time is often the centerpiece of both drama and comedy. The challenge this month is to create an image that integrates the importance of time, especially circumstances in which an element seems to be part of the wrong time.
- It can be a contemporary scene in which someone arrives or departs earlier than expected (or later), creating dramatic tension or humorous relief.
- Someone dressed for a Heavy Metal or Punk Rock concert could show up at a stadium on the wrong day (indicated by posters), meeting people dressed for something very different
- It can be a holiday theme in which most of the elements seem to be part of one holiday season, but something seems part of another holiday season.
- It can be a fantasy scene in which people with cadillacs and machine guns confront dinosaurs.
- It can be a science fiction scene in which a roman legion confronts starship troopers.
- A historical figure (Marc Antony in a toga) could be addressing a modern parliament (people in modern business attire).
- A caveman could be thawed and adopted by a modern suburban family.
- Rip Van Winkle could fall asleep under a tree and wake up 100 years later.
- A Connecticut Yankee could visit King Arthur's Court.
- Feel free to interpret the theme broadly.
Must use the Carrara dynamic hair function for something (hair, fur, grass, wires...) unless have Carrara 5 or earlier, in which case can substitute a custom terrain.