Forum: Carrara

Subject: carrarActor - genesis 3

MistyLaraCarrara opened this issue on Mar 21, 2017 · 166 posts

MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 12:24 AM

jumping ahead a lil bit, i uploaded a genesis 3 character to rmp works in carrara. not active yet

promo2 1000.jpg

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PhilW posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 7:48 AM

Great - I hope this does really well for you!

MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 8:07 AM


we can all playyy

the poser forum figured out the g3 in poser riddle ages ago.

forgot to mention in the product description ** doesn't support HD morphs and geografts.

haven't gotten used to this new rosity forum format.

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 9:07 AM

status says 'review'

here's the link if it goes live.

they might ask me to change the thumbnails. i think it's okay to show the whole figure if the shader is all gray. like in pose sets. the other forum seems okay with it.

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 12:21 PM

where's the carrara dalek? lol

being zapped left and right on the other forum today.

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Sueposer posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 12:30 PM

I would love to get these characters and experiment.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 12:55 PM

me too lol.

the status says 'review'
no idea how long that takes. it's a unique product, the reviewer might not understand.

hoping it opens a gateway to more content support for Carrara.

looking for the carrara dalek ! :dalek:

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 1:02 PM

tee hee a particle emitter shooting out g3s

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SileneUK posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 1:14 PM

Waiting patiently for it to come on sale! Well done, Misty! 🙌 Silene

MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 2:41 PM

hi Silene. glad to see yoo here. starting to get used to this colour scheme.

still in review status, but i see they changed the dept.
it makes more sense 3D Figure Assets • Morphs & Deformers

i marked it as exclusive for rmp.

the g3 basic wear converted to blended with no fuss.

havent started the bandicam yet.

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SileneUK posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 3:31 PM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 8:29PM Tue, 21 March 2017 - #4299893

hi Silene. glad to see yoo here. starting to get used to this colour scheme.

still in review status, but i see they changed the dept.
it makes more sense 3D Figure Assets • Morphs & Deformers

i marked it as exclusive for rmp.

the g3 basic wear converted to blended with no fuss.

havent started the bandicam yet.

Well get busy girl... you have now discovered how to bump up your pension when you retire! 😁 Silene

Antaran posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 5:03 PM

oh! This is wonderful news! I can't wait! Do the clothes work on the figures too, or does each item need a separate conversion?

MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 6:49 PM

clothes and hair need to be converted

when you load a daz item into carrara, when you see the bones moving but not the mesh, first suspect is it's a skin binding issue

works on muscle car also, when a daz rigged car wont open the doors >.<

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WendyLuvsCatz posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 6:51 PM

pity someone cannot write a script to do it for us, D3D or someone.

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 6:54 PM

mebbe could add as button to toolbar, convert is under the edit menu

would be nice to do from carrara. + a uvswap button

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 7:57 PM

Aiko7 in rara with rara hair :)

Aiko skin and shape.png

Lilith shape, can slider the shape in carrara, morphs are under actor

Aiko skin Lilith shape.png

Vicki 7 chamge the uvs to vicki in daz studio, then save as character preset. Vicki7 shape and textire.png


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MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 21 March 2017 at 8:05 PM

girl 7 in carrara, with skin hoping to make as next rmp offer, if all goes well

venice for janette-1.png

venice for janette-2.png

venice for janette.png

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SileneUK posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 5:26 AM

I am so glad you posted your images here now that the thread 'over there' has gone... there were so much useful work-throughs on that thread. Hope you get your bandicam vids up soon when your product page goes live.

Antara... hello!!! 👋

Good idea, Wendy... maybe a Rendo member might step up and work with Misty on this. 😺

It's just insane that DS do not want to sort making this great tool available. Even if they are working on a direct import solution for Carrara, this has great potential. 👂

I have Poser but do not use it (got it in early days before DS). They came up with an importer that is offered here for free. So it must not be as big of a problem for Poser to work with G3 from what I read below. 👀

Obviously there are many more obstacles with Carrara and instead of throwing up hands in despair as DAZ weary Carrarra users, like myself, do--- Misty took on the challenge and is putting a lot of effort and time into this. 🙇 She needs support, not deleted threads. 😲

This could be big... really big. G3 has a lot of useful features. 😄

And I am so pleased it's a woman sorting it out!!! 🙋

😁 Silene

MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 8:03 AM

still in review status

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SileneUK posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 8:38 AM

Misty, what wardrobe item are the girl's leather shorts?

MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 9:12 AM

was the Badlands Roamer

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 9:15 AM

may sound weird, i don't want to put up an iray version of my next project, cause i want to see how many carrararists are interested.

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UnifiedBrain posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 9:24 AM

Ahhhh. I can breathe again.

You go Misty!

diomede posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 9:51 AM

Well done, Misty. Two thumbs up.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 10:48 AM

ty ❤

for the record, there is no geometry or morphs in these files. it has a modifier section for the joints. joints are transferred to clothes and hair all over the market.

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 12:24 PM

here's how to convert their basic wear for Carrara. Using DS

convert clothes.png

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 1:08 PM

Some screenshots, Carrara 8.5.119 here

Load them from your Content Tab, Daz library


G3 haz 173 bones. the joy of face rigging. (I'll demo more of this from the tubes)


select here (red arrow) to access their Pose Controls. eyes closed, arms up/down, etc Select here when applying pose presets. Capture3.JPG


Select Actor to access their shaping sliders. !!Please be advised, at this time, Carrara doesn't support the HD morphs.
I've set Janette and Johnathon to load without the Mouth Realism HD morph



Janette and Johnathon load into Carrara at Mesh Base Resolution, by default their Render Resolution is set to 2. i've gone as high as 4 in test rendering.


i need a nap naos. lol

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UnifiedBrain posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 2:24 PM

It's just insane that DS do not want to sort making this great tool available. Even if they are working on a direct import solution for Carrara, this has great potential.

Silene, that was my initial response as well. But now I am starting to think along other lines.

Daz certainly has their own logic and long term strategy. Everyone assumes that Daz wants to get G7 into more platforms, but simply won't spend the money to make the necessary changes. However, what if both of those assumptions are false?

I propose that something changed at the corporate level a few years ago, which resulted in a new strategy. Daz actually doesn't want to share G7 - with anybody. The evidence is pretty much in our faces. Unlike in the past, Daz has obviously made no effort to get their latest creation (G7) into Poser or Carrara, or even the Unity engine. Instead, it appears to me that they are trying to protect and enhance the position of DS, by making it the only product that has G7 support.

In other words, they actually don't want G7 in Carrara. It dilutes their "brand." Even for the Unity engine, they are only offering Generation 6.

It's not shocking. This is how beancounters think, more often than not.

If I am right, then nothing can be done, except for hoping that talented Carrara (and Poser) enthusiasts find a way to work around their strategy.

Just speculation.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 3:14 PM

they do offer fbx and a collada exporter, 2 methods to use Genesis 3 in other apps. genesis 3 Is also tooted for unity and game development

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 3:19 PM

a couple more screenshots.

the installer offers a few shaders in carrara transparency for cornea and eye moisture. eyelashes alpha mask, and angry robot eyes.

under presets, shaders, skin, genesis 3 carrara,

capture 10.jpg

capture 11.jpg

capture 12.JPG

the default skins in the starter essentials use the aoa shader. which loads as 'lights out' in carrara. would recommend loading texture maps manually, or in DS convert the shaders. Capture13.JPG

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UnifiedBrain posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 3:56 PM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 3:53PM Wed, 22 March 2017 - #4300042

they do offer fbx and a collada exporter, 2 methods to use Genesis 3 in other apps. genesis 3 Is also tooted for unity and game development

Misty, I've seen your posts in older youtube Unity threads. AFAIK, Daz is not promoting G7 in Unity. It is being imported there by independents, much like you have done it.

SileneUK posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 4:30 PM

FBX doesn't work in Carrara for G3... or else doing it the Unity way does not work in Carrara..... sorry am not savvy enough to mess with that.

Will it spoil things for you if you post the screenshot steps for DS>Carrara? I know that must be where things are going wrong for me. You seem to be able to do the transfer utility and get into Carrara. I can do that part, too. But I only get morphs, no posing control sliders want to work. The ready-poses work OK, but that's too limiting. I saw you had that at first from the videos, how did you get around it? I tried to watch very very closely but admit to being really puzzled. Easily done! Also, I am not sure about the clothing. I didn't copy those steps before the thread went down... just the main part.

I just cannot see how you get those POSE sliders to work in CARRARA. So it must be something in the transfer utility action?

I made a cool atlatl (spear thrower). My first model from scratch-ish. Now just need a G3M version of my young lad to fire it off.

Having a sad day with all the pain in London.... 😢 Silene

wilgrfx posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 6:47 PM

Hooray! Wow Misty the renders look incredible. Oh gosh... did I just exaggerate??... they look excellent! Congrats! I just checked the link you posted earlier... still no luck, darn. I'll try to check back often... gotta run... shopping.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 6:55 PM

this version wasnt made with the transfer utility.

saw 2 'communications' on pending, but no word about if and when it would go live. gifting button is dimmed.

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 6:57 PM

wilgrfx posted at 7:57PM Wed, 22 March 2017 - #4300077

Hooray! Wow Misty the renders look incredible. Oh gosh... did I just exaggerate??... they look excellent! Congrats! I just checked the link you posted earlier... still no luck, darn. I'll try to check back often... gotta run... shopping.

hiya 👋 ty

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 7:09 PM

Thank You everyone for your patience. and interest 💕

and thank you wendy for beta-ing for me 🌸 💓

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WendyLuvsCatz posted Wed, 22 March 2017 at 11:47 PM

Your Welcome Misty ?????❤️ FBX actually does work well for iClone so it is doable and from there go to Carrara but the Carrara FBX importer needs updating, to do it directly, not holding my breath on that! You have put a lot of effort into this and I hope it pays off. ????????

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headwax. posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 12:29 AM

Hey Misty, this looks very exciting, thank you so much. Congrats too! sorry I didn't post earlier - couldn't remember my password! thanks for theheadsup Silene

Wonga posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 12:29 AM

well, this has got the 💤 Rendo/Carrara board up and going again 👍

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SileneUK posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 5:23 AM

wendyvainity posted at 10:13AM Thu, 23 March 2017 - #4300097

Your Welcome Misty ?????❤️ FBX actually does work well for iClone so it is doable and from there go to Carrara but the Carrara FBX importer needs updating, to do it directly, not holding my breath on that! You have put a lot of effort into this and I hope it pays off. ????????

Wendy.....From the beginning when I joined the 'other' forums, I have leaned you are a true guru... a treasure-trove of experience and knowledge of all-things-3D. When I see how you come up with solutions, it means a lot because average users like myself would just throw up hands in despair. Then I see what you and others can do and that they share it. That is why I am so out-raged about how Misty was treated.

Have you done a tut/video on the FBX-iClone conversion I thought I remembered but the search utility in DAZ forums is useless.. Have tried to search for some beginner tuts in general for iClone that don't go over every single feature first.I have IClone but not used it yet. I am trying to work with Zbrush for making my palaeo tools and props, etc. I really like Zbrush as its so precise. But it has 1000+ tools I will never get round to working with, so am trying to concentrate on what I can do.

That is why I like Misty's idea. Yes, it's a workaround but it is a working workaround. And she has given a good deal of her time to make life better for Carrarians.

😍 Silene

WendyLuvsCatz posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 9:10 AM

there is this one I have not really done a tute as such though discussed it a few times, exactly what are you having issues with? there are some by Reallusion for nonstandard figures that are more professional than I could do, on the Renderosity forums too.

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Dartanbeck posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 10:34 AM

Fantastic! Can't wait to try this! Kudos Misty! Please pardon my misspelled name. Mistakes like that actually cost money to correct over here! wtf?

Anyway... this is awesome!!!

Silene, are you having issues with support products? Here's the thing:

Do as Misty mentions with the blended weight thing, as she mentions on the previous page

Then save that result back into the library, with a new name, in the same structure so it's easily found in the same way the original item was

Now load that new item into Carrara for use on the new G3 for Carrara.


Let's change an imaginary coat

In Daz Studio Library, I find it under People > Genesis 3 Male > Clothing > Imaginary Coat

the coat is now in our library available for bringing into Daz Studio - so I load it in I now do the Blend Weights conversion

Now I save the coat back into the library, so during my save (as a figure support asset) a browse all the way to My Daz3d Library > People > Genesis 3 > Clothing > Imaginary Coat

Just to NOT overwrite the original, I call this one: "Coat4Carrara" or some other simple change so I can easily distinguish it

Now back in Carrara, I load in the Coat4Carrara, rather that the original Coat

Does that help?          ===          Dartanbeck on YouTube

SileneUK posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 12:09 PM

Hi Dart... Glad you came to visit! We could do with a prosecco party soon I hope!

I do all the steps, it's just that I do not get the pose sliders working once into Carrara. Before the thread disappeared, I posted my renders. The G3 worked in Carrara if I used prepackaged poses, eg Feral Fey or some other G3 fashion ones. But no slider controls for posing (arms up/down, knees up, legs in out). I could not get those sliders to show up under ACTOR they only show up under the G3F-NEWNAME above that in the tree. No slider posing joy. So it's going to be a ...erm... Misty-ery until we get the tool.

I have wondered if it has something to do with the Windows 7.

**Wendy, **I will look at your threads/videos later in the weekend. Thanks for posting them.

I can't wait!! 😁 Silene

MistyLaraCarrara posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 1:43 PM

the pose controls don't work cuz the transfer utility didnt bring the ercs over. transfer utility is designed for clothes and hair, wouldnt want ercs and limits set on clothes, ❗ you should be able to select the bone directly and rotate with wire manipulator

👍 you have the dson editor, ercs are in the subtrees called formula, you could copy them over from the original dsf to the transfer utility (the final) one 01,02,the one after 02

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 1:51 PM

Dartagnon posted at 2:48PM Thu, 23 March 2017 - #4300129

Fantastic! Can't wait to try this! Kudos Misty! Please pardon my misspelled name. Mistakes like that actually cost money to correct over here! wtf?

Hiya Dart 👋 yeah, is like 10 bucks to change names.

is why i'se still a princess here instead of spinster or dowager, lol

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 1:59 PM

status still in review. guessing everybody seein the snap page?

could make a screenshot ...

here's what it would look like lol. ... Untitled-1.jpg

oh this is like a template for linking an image lessee if gifs work


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SileneUK posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 2:24 PM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 7:23PM Thu, 23 March 2017 - #4300149

the pose controls don't work cuz the transfer utility didnt bring the ercs over. transfer utility is designed for clothes and hair, wouldnt want ercs and limits set on clothes, ❗ you should be able to select the bone directly and rotate with wire manipulator

👍 you have the dson editor, ercs are in the subtrees called formula, you could copy them over from the original dsf to the transfer utility (the final) one 01,02,the one after 02

Oh my... can I stop banging my head against the wall now? felt so good. 😆 Silene

TYVM... will work on this tomorrow. Your status looks like it's 'almost there' !!

MistyLaraCarrara posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 9:51 PM

dohhhh rmp installers don't start with a 'content' folder at root.

fixed it and resubmitted.

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Thu, 23 March 2017 at 9:53 PM

heya, i could offer it as a prize in the next render challenge ♨

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headwax. posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 12:18 AM

sounds good :)

SileneUK posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 5:13 AM

Does sound promising! Ack, have granddaughter tomorrow so can't play, and new router coming today to sort my problem with broadband latency stuff or summat... hope to be around a bit. Fingers crossed it's released soon!

SileneUK posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 7:01 AM

Dartagnon posted at 11:53AM Fri, 24 March 2017 - #4300129

Fantastic! Can't wait to try this! Kudos Misty! Please pardon my misspelled name. Mistakes like that actually cost money to correct over here! wtf?

Anyway... this is awesome!!!

Silene, are you having issues with support products? Here's the thing:

Do as Misty mentions with the blended weight thing, as she mentions on the previous page

Then save that result back into the library, with a new name, in the same structure so it's easily found in the same way the original item was

Now load that new item into Carrara for use on the new G3 for Carrara.


Let's change an imaginary coat

In Daz Studio Library, I find it under People > Genesis 3 Male > Clothing > Imaginary Coat

the coat is now in our library available for bringing into Daz Studio - so I load it in I now do the Blend Weights conversion

Now I save the coat back into the library, so during my save (as a figure support asset) a browse all the way to My Daz3d Library > People > Genesis 3 > Clothing > Imaginary Coat

Just to NOT overwrite the original, I call this one: "Coat4Carrara" or some other simple change so I can easily distinguish it

Now back in Carrara, I load in the Coat4Carrara, rather that the original Coat

Does that help?

No, my problem is that I thought applying the tsf utility was part of creating the Carrara friendly G3 product duf to then load into carrara. The thread is gone now, but the way I copied the stuff from it, it looked like making your G3 Car man/woman was to transfer g3001 onto the g3002. As part of the routine, g3002 was stripped of its nodes in DSON editor. I thought combining them back with g3001 was how it worked.

I got there once before somehow, but have lost my way since then. I am not sure now how to combine the two prop assets created to get a working one to load into carrara. The one I had before I did then save as a carrara file once in Carrara, but she does not work now with the prepackaged poses I was able to do before. Now I have to move her joints manually and there are no facial expressions.

What Misty says about finding the FORMULA in the sub-tree... I cannot find anything named FORMULA when in DSON for an untouched working DS G3 figure's dsf file.

I know it's me... but am missing an important step. I don't care about clothes at this point at all. But I can wait for the utility to be published if it will do it for me! 🔢 Hmmmm.... Silene

SileneUK posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 3:52 PM

I finally did it.... I cannot believe I was having so much trouble. It was that I did not have the final save in the right place... it was trying to 'call'... is that the word? the incorrect dsf file back in the original G3F folder.

The clothes part comes much easier. But I am finding that using the prepackaged poses... they are not giving happy **feet ** posing once saved as a carrara file, even if the model is saved in a tee pose. Have to work that one out... I can go back and reload the duf from my special save and start over no problem till I do.

This is Dart's Carrara Badlands.... with PhilW's Adrea dynamic hair. The dragon was just a bit of fun... I was going to say something about it being a Car Dev Team member following her, but that would be snarky.

😇 Silene

Image also posted in the Show Us Your Carrara Renders of V7 thread:


MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 5:22 PM

oh, is active??!!

omg partyyyyy

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Wonga posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 5:37 PM

Congrats Misty...

before I purchase I need to know if G3 morphs ( like creatures and stuff ) also work on these models... Like will my one and only G3 product 'George' morph be able to be applied?... there is no mention of this in your product description.

congrats again

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SileneUK posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 6:06 PM

Just a heads up...the image I did above was WITHOUT Misty's new product.

It's just sod's law that her product was released by Rendo this evening after I did my torturous working around which was very hard for a novice like me.

Now I won't have to in the future... I will use her files! And it will go faster and get better results, too.

Hope to post renders after the weekend... hoping to see some others!

Cheers, Silene

MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 6:53 PM

Wonga posted at 7:49PM Fri, 24 March 2017 - #4300296

Congrats Misty...

before I purchase I need to know if G3 morphs ( like creatures and stuff ) also work on these models... Like will my one and only G3 product 'George' morph be able to be applied?... there is no mention of this in your product description.

congrats again

i don't have george, cant test it.

HD morphs don't work in carrara, so, i guess depends if his morphs are hd.

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 6:55 PM

there's a coupie out, for prime members

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 6:56 PM

SileneUK posted at 7:55PM Fri, 24 March 2017 - #4300299

Just a heads up...the image I did above was WITHOUT Misty's new product.

It's just sod's law that her product was released by Rendo this evening after I did my torturous working around which was very hard for a novice like me.

Now I won't have to in the future... I will use her files! And it will go faster and get better results, too.

Hope to post renders after the weekend... hoping to see some others!

Cheers, Silene

well, there's some satisfaction in knowing you solved it.

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Wonga posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 7:08 PM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 11:04AM Sat, 25 March 2017 - #4300302

Wonga posted at 7:49PM Fri, 24 March 2017 - #4300296

Congrats Misty...

before I purchase I need to know if G3 morphs ( like creatures and stuff ) also work on these models... Like will my one and only G3 product 'George' morph be able to be applied?... there is no mention of this in your product description.

congrats again

i don't have george, cant test it.

HD morphs don't work in carrara, so, i guess depends if his morphs are hd.

Sorry for not being more explicit, we know that HD don't work in Carrara


have any normal G3 product figure morphs been tested and work? that is the question.

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 8:09 PM

Wonga posted at 8:57PM Fri, 24 March 2017 - #4300306

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 11:04AM Sat, 25 March 2017 - #4300302

Wonga posted at 7:49PM Fri, 24 March 2017 - #4300296

Congrats Misty...

before I purchase I need to know if G3 morphs ( like creatures and stuff ) also work on these models... Like will my one and only G3 product 'George' morph be able to be applied?... there is no mention of this in your product description.

congrats again

i don't have george, cant test it.

HD morphs don't work in carrara, so, i guess depends if his morphs are hd.

Sorry for not being more explicit, we know that HD don't work in Carrara


have any normal G3 product figure morphs been tested and work? that is the question.

oh. yes they do,
tested including the add on, body, head, and expressions for genesis 3 tested Michael 7, Leo 7, Gianni 7, vicki7, aiko7, girl, lillith, mika most of the pose controls work,(i havent tested all of them i'm afraid.) arms up/down, shrug, eyes closed, finger grasp, spread, visemes - among the tested to work.

posted some screen shots above to show what to highlight in instance tab


if you want to use a uvset other than the base, like Michael 7, swap the uvs on Johnathon inside DS and save as character preset.

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Wonga posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 8:49 PM

ok... hope it helps you out 🍪

George G3 in Carrara.jpg

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 9:01 PM

that george?

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Wonga posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 9:12 PM


George and Abhorrentus for G3

the only 2 products I have for G3

G3F crashes Carrara however when I load up a converted Winter Fantasy Dress onto Janette... hmmmm

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 9:25 PM

yoo converted dress to blended, save as subset?

load the dress onto scene in the instance tab. after it loads, fit to g3f

was that the dress she's holding a lantern? think i have that one

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Wonga posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 9:50 PM

yep that's the one... It must of been a freebie once... yep crashes Carrara does that one.. I'll try again after the next render finishes 🍀

just did it again.... crash boom! 💥

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Wonga posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 9:56 PM

V7 in Carrara 🆒

V7 in Carrara.jpg

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wilgrfx posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 10:07 PM

It's Alive... its aliivee! Got it in wishlist... J&J will be mine very soon.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 10:34 PM

Wonga posted at 11:29PM Fri, 24 March 2017 - #4300323

yep that's the one... It must of been a freebie once... yep crashes Carrara does that one.. I'll try again after the next render finishes 🍀

just did it again.... crash boom! 💥

yeah, just tried it crashed on me too, tried it by itself into fresh scene, crash

the evening dress for g3f works. going to hazard a guess mebbe the sleeves on winter dress is overload

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 10:35 PM

wilgrfx posted at 11:35PM Fri, 24 March 2017 - #4300328

It's Alive... its aliivee! Got it in wishlist... J&J will be mine very soon.

Ty 🌸

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 10:36 PM

Wonga posted at 11:36PM Fri, 24 March 2017 - #4300325

V7 in Carrara 🆒

V7 in Carrara.jpg


big cat shader looks good

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 10:42 PM

winter fantasy for g2f loads, there goes the sleeves theory lol

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 24 March 2017 at 10:49 PM

we should start a list of fails and successes in clothes and hair

what to try next? tee hee feels like playing Clue, kernel sanders in the conservatory with a pose

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Antaran posted Sat, 25 March 2017 at 12:10 AM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 12:07AM Sat, 25 March 2017 - #4300336

we should start a list of fails and successes in clothes and hair ...

Please do! That's a brilliant idea. Having that list (and also tips and tricks for conversion, as I suspect some items are easier to use than others) would really help with buying choices! And congratulations on the product going live! 😀

MistyLaraCarrara posted Sat, 25 March 2017 at 1:35 AM

Ty :heart_tip:

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Sat, 25 March 2017 at 1:48 AM

Fauna legs are geografts rest looks nice though, antlers are props

fauna legs are geograft.jpg

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diomede posted Sat, 25 March 2017 at 7:54 AM

Congratulations, Misty. Maybe the list of fails should have three categories. One for clothes that work with the blended weight fix. One that loads, doesn't confrm/morph as expected but that will work with VWD. One for clothes/hair that crash before VWD can be applied.

Or maybe I misunderstand the crashes.

SileneUK posted Sat, 25 March 2017 at 8:03 AM

Good idea Dio... maybe we can start a new thread just for this purpose? 😀 Silene

MistyLaraCarrara posted Sat, 25 March 2017 at 11:25 AM

sounds good !

i'se giving Kenji 7 a test run today.

i converted the g3m anatomical to blended.
but it also needs to be converted from geograft to conforming dont want it punching holes in his mesh. i do it by editing the dsf file, seeing if it can be done with a preset file

there's not much to the lady anatomical bit. could prolly do a crease morph though, i'm sure rot'ka has something more spectacular

gallery here allows nudes, dont they? just needs proper thumbnail

oh yeah, theres a nudity flag!!

hmm dont want to tie up this thread with nudes, a separate thread for nudes be kewl

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Sat, 25 March 2017 at 5:41 PM

would someone else want to host the fail/success list? 💐

i'se bogged answering questions 💦

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Wonga posted Sat, 25 March 2017 at 7:26 PM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 11:25AM Sun, 26 March 2017 - #4300332

Wonga posted at 11:29PM Fri, 24 March 2017 - #4300323

yep that's the one... It must of been a freebie once... yep crashes Carrara does that one.. I'll try again after the next render finishes 🍀

just did it again.... crash boom! 💥

yeah, just tried it crashed on me too, tried it by itself into fresh scene, crash

the evening dress for g3f works. going to hazard a guess mebbe the sleeves on winter dress is overload

I have an update for that product in DiM this morning... funny that... I'll try again during the day to see if it's fixed. 👗

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Wonga posted Sat, 25 March 2017 at 9:47 PM

**G3 is Captain Carrara ** needed some work to get this one working!

Captain Carrara.jpg

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Sun, 26 March 2017 at 2:05 AM

mooses gracias :mood_lightning:

gone missing 4eva 😞

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Sun, 26 March 2017 at 2:28 AM

oh yeah, dont forget genesis 3 has ear bones, ☺ can pose their ears, flap 'em and pec bones, can move their breasts around

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Bunyip02 posted Sun, 26 March 2017 at 5:30 AM

Misty great news that you're up and running. Have bought your item, will have a workout session with it tomorrow !!!!!! Regards, Bunyip

SileneUK posted Sun, 26 March 2017 at 7:50 AM

Some good fun for UK Mother's Day..... 'Boob Boogie Ear Jive' video... maybe Wendy might make one! 😜 Silene

MistyLaraCarrara posted Sun, 26 March 2017 at 2:14 PM

well, as of this morning there be 8 of us with J & J 🎇 lol

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Sun, 26 March 2017 at 2:15 PM

SileneUK posted at 3:14PM Sun, 26 March 2017 - #4300475

Some good fun for UK Mother's Day..... 'Boob Boogie Ear Jive' video... maybe Wendy might make one! 😜 Silene

Happy Mom's Day!! 👨‍👩‍👧

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Sun, 26 March 2017 at 2:17 PM

Bunyip02 posted at 3:15PM Sun, 26 March 2017 - #4300469

Misty great news that you're up and running. Have bought your item, will have a workout session with it tomorrow !!!!!! Regards, Bunyip

Ty 💖

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Wonga posted Sun, 26 March 2017 at 11:06 PM

Harley Quinn.jpg

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Bunyip02 posted Mon, 27 March 2017 at 7:41 AM

The exile, basic render. The Exile 3.png

MistyLaraCarrara posted Mon, 27 March 2017 at 1:11 PM

Wonga posted at 2:10PM Mon, 27 March 2017 - #4300534

Harley Quinn.jpg


nice tatts ! she found the missing post?

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Mon, 27 March 2017 at 1:13 PM

Bunyip02 posted at 2:11PM Mon, 27 March 2017 - #4300568

The exile, basic render. The Exile 3.png


cant tell if he angry, or just ... hung_reee_

glad to see you got the eyes sorted


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MistyLaraCarrara posted Mon, 27 March 2017 at 10:00 PM

i feel like we're the rebel base over here 🌠

think there was carrara lightsabers in the freestuff

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Bunyip02 posted Tue, 28 March 2017 at 7:21 AM

No lightsabers on this one, but the force is strong !!!!!! Yodkin by RawArt. Yodkin RawArt.png

MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 28 March 2017 at 8:13 AM

Yodkin at the Secret Lake

no one's seen that before !!

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mantagruelle posted Wed, 29 March 2017 at 1:36 AM

Hello Misty, I would like to purchase your product, but I'm a dummy with Daz Studio (just Carrara) and my english is not perfect. Have you made a tuto or some help with J & J ? (a step by step will be perfect) :-) Regards Jamy

MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 29 March 2017 at 8:08 AM

Hiya mantagruelle 👋

i am working on video tutorials. mucho trabajo

You will need the Genesis 3 starter essentials for male and female.

It is currently free with Daz Studio 4.9.

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AtticAnne posted Wed, 29 March 2017 at 8:57 AM

Misty, I am so proud of you. I'm still reinstalling Carrara. May be next week before I can get J&J.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 29 March 2017 at 3:01 PM

HiYa Anne 👋

🌸 ssom:

i didn't know yoo a CarrarArtista

welcome to the rebel base lol

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Hi Princess, I don't use Genesis but I really appreciate what you are doing for us! Thousand thanks!!!

ProPose001 posted Wed, 29 March 2017 at 8:50 PM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 6:49PM Wed, 29 March 2017 - #4300818

Hiya mantagruelle 👋

i am working on video tutorials. mucho trabajo

You will need the Genesis 3 starter essentials for male and female.

It is currently free with Daz Studio 4.9.

That would be awesome, can't wait for that!!

WendyLuvsCatz posted Wed, 29 March 2017 at 11:42 PM

Jamy, the main thing is making clothing and hair Carrara friendly as well as tweaking shaders, most Carrara users are used to the latter, there are a lot of missing maps.

For the clothing and hair you need DAZ studio,

All you need to do in most cases is load the clothes in DAZ studio by clicking them , some have a preset that loads a whole outfit.

No figure is needed in the scene in fact best not as if not Johnathon or Janet could crash Carrara.

then select each garment and go to edit/figure/rigging convert triax/general weight to blended weight

then under file save as scene subset

you can select your figure in carrara and load that scene subset from your library or by file and it will fit and apply morphs for each garment and hair in turn.

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wilgrfx posted Thu, 30 March 2017 at 7:43 AM

Misty, Just wanted to let you know that Janette and Johnathon are gone from my wishlist and are now mine. Thank you, thank you... I keep mumbling while stumbling off to bed. 😎

MistyLaraCarrara posted Thu, 30 March 2017 at 9:56 AM

wendyvainity posted at 10:54AM Thu, 30 March 2017 - #4300878

Jamy, the main thing is making clothing and hair Carrara friendly as well as tweaking shaders, most Carrara users are used to the latter, there are a lot of missing maps.

For the clothing and hair you need DAZ studio,

All you need to do in most cases is load the clothes in DAZ studio by clicking them , some have a preset that loads a whole outfit.

No figure is needed in the scene in fact best not as if not Johnathon or Janet could crash Carrara.

then select each garment and go to edit/figure/rigging convert triax/general weight to blended weight

then under file save as scene subset

you can select your figure in carrara and load that scene subset from your library or by file and it will fit and apply morphs for each garment and hair in turn.

Thank yoo

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Thu, 30 March 2017 at 9:57 AM

wilgrfx posted at 10:56AM Thu, 30 March 2017 - #4300898

Misty, Just wanted to let you know that Janette and Johnathon are gone from my wishlist and are now mine. Thank you, thank you... I keep mumbling while stumbling off to bed. 😎

Ty 🌸

i hope you enjoy them 💝

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WendyLuvsCatz posted Fri, 31 March 2017 at 6:59 AM

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SileneUK posted Fri, 31 March 2017 at 7:18 AM

Nice to see the slo-mo action video, thank you! I also noted your request for the clothing conversion script in the next video... great idea. Any bites yet? 😁 Silene

WendyLuvsCatz posted Fri, 31 March 2017 at 7:31 AM

not yet, its a matter of finding someone with scripting knowledge that uses Carrara and wants to use Genesis 3.

would not need to be DAZ script or Carrara more of a batch notepad hack on the duf files,

Someone like Dimension 3D prob could do it but AFAIK they have no interest in Carrara.

MJCasual might even who knows? Or maybe Fenric?

just putting it out there as a suggestion hoping someone can as I am sure all of us would buy it if put on the marketplace here.

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WendyLuvsCatz posted Fri, 31 March 2017 at 8:44 AM

a quick look in notepad at an uncompressed file reveals "binding_mode" : "Blended", instead of "binding_mode" : "General", is the crucial line needed, the word dual Quart is still actually present however most duf files are compressed so unsure how one can do this unless one batch unzips them with 7zip maybe first Find and replace on an unaltered scene subset should have worked but did not so it gets more puzzling


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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 31 March 2017 at 6:02 PM

theres an 18 percents coupie out


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WendyLuvsCatz posted Sat, 01 April 2017 at 6:00 AM

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LeoLee posted Sat, 01 April 2017 at 12:52 PM

Awesome! It's on my wishlist. I made a set of expressions which use the face bones of the G3. All the face rig works in Carrara?

MistyLaraCarrara posted Sat, 01 April 2017 at 5:24 PM

i'm not a 100% sure on tongue poses, didnt have any packaged tongue poses to test. tongue parts are poseable, works with carrara rotation wireframe

the rest of the face rig works.


really hopin someone would package up some nla clips 😉

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LeoLee posted Sat, 01 April 2017 at 5:31 PM

Great! Thanks!

joeping posted Sat, 01 April 2017 at 5:34 PM

Fantastic product, just bought it but I keep getting this error when I try to use it: "Warning: file /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Male/Genesis3Male.dsf could not be found Warning: file /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Male/Genesis3Male.dsf could not be found Error: node /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Male/Genesis3Male.dsf#Genesis3Male not found"

Genesis 3 works fine in DAZ studio. Do I need to move some files?

Any tips?

joeping posted Sat, 01 April 2017 at 6:41 PM

joeping posted at 4:40PM Sat, 01 April 2017 - #4301214

Fantastic product, just bought it but I keep getting this error when I try to use it: "Warning: file /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Male/Genesis3Male.dsf could not be found Warning: file /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Male/Genesis3Male.dsf could not be found Error: node /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Male/Genesis3Male.dsf#Genesis3Male not found"

Genesis 3 works fine in DAZ studio. Do I need to move some files?

Any tips?

I re-installed Genesis 3 starter essentials for male and female and everything works great. Now the fun can begin :)

MistyLaraCarrara posted Sat, 01 April 2017 at 8:09 PM

Ty 🌸

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Sat, 01 April 2017 at 8:11 PM

G3 ears and pecs/breasts are pose-able

Place display text here

wonder how would look animated with oscillate tweener

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joeping posted Sun, 02 April 2017 at 12:09 AM

Great product, and very easy to use.

This is my first experiment with using a Genesis 3 figure in Carrara 8.5 Pro using "CarrarActors, Janette and Johnathon for Genesis 3 in Carrara 8.5". It uses the "Darius 7" morphs and textures, "Classic Trenchcoat for Genesis 3 Male(s)" and "Diesel Hair for Genesis 3 Male(s) & Female(s)". I then applied a Genesis 3 aniblock that I converted to a NLA clip.

It is rendered at 1920x1080 @ 30fps and averaged 15 sec per frame to render.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Sun, 02 April 2017 at 5:02 AM

he's having a good stretch.

with all his mouth rigging could give a big yawn 💡

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joeping posted Sun, 02 April 2017 at 4:09 PM

Thank you MistyLaraPrincess, With all that mouth rigging it works great with Mimic Pro for Carrara.

I tried a quick test with Mimic Pro for Carrara and a "Toon Generations 2 Female for Genesis 3" figure rendered with "LuxusCore Carrara"

MistyLaraCarrara posted Sun, 02 April 2017 at 7:48 PM

joeping posted at 8:47PM Sun, 02 April 2017 - #4301324

Thank you MistyLaraPrincess, With all that mouth rigging it works great with Mimic Pro for Carrara.

I tried a quick test with Mimic Pro for Carrara and a "Toon Generations 2 Female for Genesis 3" figure rendered with "LuxusCore Carrara"

cute poet

Ty for sharing 🌻

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joeping posted Mon, 03 April 2017 at 3:27 AM

Thank you MistyLaraPrincess, I am loving your product. I had to try an experiment with Mimic Pro for Carrara, Mr. Bear and Son for Genesis 3 Male(s) and Carrara hair. It's something that I could never have done in DAZ Studio :)

MistyLaraCarrara posted Mon, 03 April 2017 at 8:22 AM

joeping posted at 9:20AM Mon, 03 April 2017 - #4301347

Thank you MistyLaraPrincess, I am loving your product. I had to try an experiment with Mimic Pro for Carrara, Mr. Bear and Son for Genesis 3 Male(s) and Carrara hair. It's something that I could never have done in DAZ Studio :)

beary fun 🐻

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Mon, 03 April 2017 at 8:24 AM

There's 16 of us now, G3 in Carrara 💖

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Thu, 06 April 2017 at 11:57 AM

organizing my bandicam schedule for the weekend. (they online activation only, i have to record in 10 minute segments 👹 )

without specific things to focus on, i'll putz around trying out g3 outfits and hairs. playing with zolly doom, camera panning.

didn't understand how tricky camera panning techniques are, til i became serious about my movie project. 72 hours to render a camera pan of the mystic gorge,

but that's what practice if for!

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 07 April 2017 at 9:17 PM

knitting mittens 🐱

started working on a couple outfits, will be setup for Janette and Johnathon, - no converting needed


bronie outfits? 🐎

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Mon, 10 April 2017 at 4:52 AM

Coupie out


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Bunyip02 posted Mon, 10 April 2017 at 7:01 AM

RawArts new Gigalien for G3M. Gigalien & UFO2.png

MistyLaraCarrara posted Mon, 10 April 2017 at 5:10 PM

Bunyip02 posted at 6:08PM Mon, 10 April 2017 - #4302056

RawArts new Gigalien for G3M. Gigalien & UFO2.png

cant help notice his toothy smile


oh, if i right-click, open image in new tab, i sees it full size!

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 12 April 2017 at 12:52 PM

the next CarrarActor i'se workin on. almost finished.

CarrarActor Samantha for Janette / Girl 7 🐡

Place display text here


Place display text here


Place display text here

They strolling the Venice set 🚶

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 28 April 2017 at 10:51 AM

did everyone make their own shaders for Jeanne and Eddie?

was thinking of mebbe adding helper shader for Jeanne and Ed (the default G3M/F skins) to the d/l files.

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diomede posted Fri, 28 April 2017 at 2:26 PM

I made a basic shader from the default G3F and G3M maps. I also picked up a Forbidden Whispers merchant skin resource for G3M, but I have not constructed a global shader preset from it yet.

diomede posted Fri, 28 April 2017 at 3:13 PM

With sufficient modification, I believe that I am allowed to offer a Carrara G3M skin shader based on ForbiddenWhispers resource, but I will check with the artist. Not sure how Ringo was able to offer Carrara shaders for Daz characters that relied on their maps. Will inquire.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 28 April 2017 at 9:46 PM

diomede posted at 10:42PM Fri, 28 April 2017 - #4303839

With sufficient modification, I believe that I am allowed to offer a Carrara G3M skin shader based on ForbiddenWhispers resource, but I will check with the artist. Not sure how Ringo was able to offer Carrara shaders for Daz characters that relied on their maps. Will inquire.

nice resources from FW.

have this nice looking mr in my w/l, Genesis 3 - Master Beard Resource


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diomede posted Sun, 30 April 2017 at 9:33 AM

The custom morph process I outlined for G2 should also work for your G3 Carrara folks. Has anyone tried?

diomede posted Sun, 30 April 2017 at 4:53 PM

Got started on a shader preset for G3F in Carrara. Blending maps from Eva 7 with some custom organic skin shaders. Suggestions welcome.rr01 G3F in Carrara.JPG

MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 02 May 2017 at 9:59 AM

i made 2nd skin templates, using old wings3d 99.5, it has the color faces option, think they took it away in later versions.

don't want to bake it into the skin though, surely the rara shader tree can handle it as a layer?

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 03 May 2017 at 8:08 PM

is everyone making out okay saving character uvs presets - V7 M7 etc?

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ProPose001 posted Fri, 05 May 2017 at 1:35 AM

Yup! Works well

wilgrfx posted Sun, 28 May 2017 at 6:25 AM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 6:13AM Sun, 28 May 2017 - #4304275

is everyone making out okay saving character uvs presets - V7 M7 etc?

I must admit I've been putting off installing "Janette and Johnathon". I've a question before I do... I have a folder called "3rd Party content" where I keep everything away from where your documention says to install to. Thought I'd better as if it's ok to install to the other folder?

Have a coloured pencil... color me puzzled.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Sun, 28 May 2017 at 3:39 PM

if your genesis 3 (male and female) starter essentials are in the 3rd party folder, should be okay.

the carrara folders can go in any "shader" preset folder

video tut covers how to link daz content folders in carrara

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wilgrfx posted Sun, 28 May 2017 at 8:33 PM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 8:27PM Sun, 28 May 2017 - #4306189

if your genesis 3 (male and female) starter essentials are in the 3rd party folder, should be okay.

the carrara folders can go in any "shader" preset folder

No... starter essentials in main DS Libraray... so will install there. Whew... that's what had me worried... didn't want to create problems for myself.

Thanks MistyLP

MistyLaraCarrara posted Sun, 28 May 2017 at 11:27 PM

lookin forward to seeing your renders 🌸

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wilgrfx posted Mon, 29 May 2017 at 2:49 AM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 2:45AM Mon, 29 May 2017 - #4303827

did everyone make their own shaders for Jeanne and Eddie?

was thinking of mebbe adding helper shader for Jeanne and Ed (the default G3M/F skins) to the d/l files.

Forgot to ask... Did I miss something... please let me know more about Jeanne and Eddie. Probably mentioned earlier... if so I'll just go back page or so and find out.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Mon, 29 May 2017 at 10:45 AM

jeanne and eddie are the skin textures that come with the genesis 3 starter essentials.

their ds shader presets are aoa shaders, aoa shaders are dark in carrara.

i think most of us are loading the maps manually in carrara, and then saving it to carrara's browser tray.

i like to use the carrara shader shown in 'holly wet circuit's specular hightlights video tut. originally found it on carraracafe site. good stuff there!!!

looks like they spiffed up the cafe.

i cant find the holly video tutt naos 🐼

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wilgrfx posted Mon, 29 May 2017 at 6:38 PM

MistyLaraPrincess posted at 6:13PM Mon, 29 May 2017 - #4306225

jeanne and eddie are the skin textures that come with the genesis 3 starter essentials.

their ds shader presets are aoa shaders, aoa shaders are dark in carrara.

i think most of us are loading the maps manually in carrara, and then saving it to carrara's browser tray.

i like to use the carrara shader shown in 'holly wet circuit's specular hightlights video tut. originally found it on carraracafe site. good stuff there!!!

Holly Rocks! Perhaps I'll take a look for later also. Right now fingers is twitching... haven't modeled anything in a few days... and need to create something for the current Carrara Challenge.

Do 3DL textures for skin also use AoA? Just bought a G3F Char, uses 3DL, from Digital Creations.

Also I hasa lot of skin shaders bought for Carrara only.

Hmmmm. AoA = AgeOfArmor... hehee

wilgrfx posted Tue, 30 May 2017 at 2:29 PM

Just wanted to let you know that I just grabbed Girl 7 Pro bundle in preparation for CarrarActor Samantha for Janette.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 31 May 2017 at 8:00 AM

wilgrfx posted at 8:55AM Wed, 31 May 2017 - #4306292

Just wanted to let you know that I just grabbed Girl 7 Pro bundle in preparation for CarrarActor Samantha for Janette.

kewl! 💃

was some nice sale yesterday. i grabbed Gia 7 and Arabella 7.

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 07 June 2017 at 1:22 PM

is it a deal breaker?

the anatomical pro bits?

working on a preset for Michael 7's willie. it has the same uvs mess issue all the geografts have. haven't given up on making a preset for it yet, but it does seem futile right naos.


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wilgrfx posted Sun, 11 June 2017 at 7:30 AM

Seldom even bother with undergarments unless will/might be needed for cover in a scene pose.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Thu, 15 June 2017 at 2:57 PM

i've never tried autofitting a V4 outfit to Janette inside Carrara.

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diomede posted Thu, 15 June 2017 at 4:47 PM

Haven't used autofit, but I have used VWD to drape V4 and M4 clothes on your Genesis 3 figures.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 18 July 2017 at 7:33 PM

found it!!!!!!

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MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 25 July 2017 at 1:44 PM

pne possibility for geografts seems promising.

dress Johnathon in conforming undies, convert gens to blended. load and conform gens to the undies. make undies invisible.

not the best possible solution, but prevents holes punches in Johnathon's mesh and prevents uvs render artifacts.

testing out geograft 'buffers' for Centaur 7 and Minotaur 6.


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MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 03 January 2018 at 2:23 PM

I'se thinking of adding a Triax weight preset of G3.

Would anyone be interested?

I would add it to the J & J product. if it'll let me add another zip file to the product.

Triax weighted G3F/M may be susceptible to the same file size drawbacks as Genesis 1 & 2.

but on the other hand, it should trigger triax autofit morph projections.

Genesis 8 eyebrows and eyelashes should benefit more from the morph projections. Wouldn't be able to test theory until i finished the triax preset.

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brianp21361 posted Thu, 04 January 2018 at 7:43 AM

Misty I'd like to give it a try. It may simplify my workflow.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Wed, 10 January 2018 at 12:38 PM

would it make better sense to put the Triax versions in a separate subfolder? or keep them in the same folder and name them JanetteTriax / JohnathonTriax?

thinking of the converted hair and outfits, blended vs triax

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brianp21361 posted Sat, 13 January 2018 at 7:29 PM

I think it would be easier if they were in the same folder with a different name.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Thu, 08 August 2019 at 9:02 AM


i started a skype group for questions and requests and sharing

nude renders are okay in this group.

my personal favorite is boris vallejo, Frazetta style fantasy art.

whats your personal favo(u)rite art style?

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diomede posted Thu, 15 August 2019 at 2:53 PM

RE: Triax and Blended - Converting to blended seemed to work reasonably well for me for Genesis 3 (Vicky 7 and Mike 7). Not sure I understand the costs and benefits of creating triax versions compared to the blended weights.

RE: styles - I like silly toon and claymation styles. I also like fantasy heroes, science fiction adventure, and cheesy classic pinups. When I'm in a rut, I might throw together a Frazzeta Conan type cover or an Elvgren type pinup. Often helps me get back on track.

MistyLaraCarrara posted Tue, 20 August 2019 at 8:13 AM

i curious if a triax version would work in Poser with the DSON.

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diomede posted Sun, 08 September 2019 at 10:21 AM

I posted a free outfit for G3F to ShareCG. Fantasy dancer. Just convert the figure rigging to blended weight to use in Carrara with Misty's character. Commercial renders OK, just don't redistribute the mesh/rigging/etc.

rubidium posted Thu, 05 December 2019 at 3:08 PM

Hello, I have recently bought the product (Black Friday Sale 😄 ) and I am trying to learn to use it. I am having difficulties trying to apply some materials: in some cases, when I drag the material to Genesis 3 male (in the instances tree) I get the following error: Error: node name://%40selection/Genesis3Male: not found It happens only in some cases; with other genesis 3 characters the materials can be applied without problems. i suppose that I amb doing something wrong but I do not know how to solve it... Could you help me with this problem? Thank you in advance! Ramon

MistyLaraCarrara posted Fri, 06 December 2019 at 8:22 AM

In the instance tab, highlight "actor' when applying a material set.

Or to apply a shader to a single shader domain, highlight actor, switch to shader room, drag shader and drop to the shader somain, example face

single shader domain.png



Daz shaders come in different flavors, some are iray, some are AoA shaders, both of which are potential propblems in carrara. for example iray opacity won't work. some makeups are setup for Daz Studio's LIE layered imaging.

optionally, you could apply your favorite carrara skin shader. Delphinia is a nice one, then manually load the texture maps you're interest in using. for iray shaders, the alpha map would need to manually be selected.

for make up layers, one option is to play with the shader mixer.
another method is to merge the make up layer with skin in a photo editor - (rhis is the method i use)

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