Forum: Poser Python Scripting

Subject: The poser.ProcessCommand() calls

Anthony Appleyard opened this issue on Jun 18, 2017 ยท 6 posts

Anthony Appleyard posted Sun, 18 June 2017 at 9:24 AM

So far, I have found about these Poser Python calls poser.ProcessCommand(number) :-

poser.ProcessCommand(1559) :: redisplay the stage to the screen

poser.ProcessCommand(1568) :: it may mean "duplicate the current figure".

Please, where is a complete list of these poser.ProcessCommand() calls and what they do?

Anthony Appleyard posted Sun, 18 June 2017 at 9:38 AM

Web search just now has found a few more:

poser.ProcessCommand(1602) :: may be "zero the current figure"

poser.ProcessCommand(1509) :: may be "make the Python scripts palette visible"

poser.ProcessCommand(1488) :: may be "make the hierarchy editor visible"

structure posted Sun, 18 June 2017 at 10:34 AM Forum Coordinator

I don't know that all these work - but this is a list I have compiled .

'Exit'                          :   1   ,
'New'                           :   2   ,
'Open'                          :   3   ,
'Close'                         :   4   ,
'Save'                          :   5   ,
'Save As'                       :   6   ,
'Revert'                        :   7   ,
'Page Setup'                    :   8   ,
'Print'                         :   9   ,
'Import Background Image'       :   1115    , 
'Import Poser Document / Prop'  :   1131    ,
'Import Video'                  :   1363    ,
'Import BVH Motion'             :   1383    ,
'Import PHI'                    :   1389    ,
'Import Sound'                  :   1401    ,
'Run Python Script'             :   1506    ,
'Import LipSync'                :   1567    ,
'Export RIB'                    :   1158    ,
'Export Image'                  :   1192    ,
'Export BVH Motion'             :   1403    ,
'Undo'                          :   16  ,
'Redo'                          :   17  ,
'Cut'                           :   18  ,
'Copy'                          :   19  ,
'Paste'                         :   20  ,
'Duplicate'                     :   1568    ,
'Restore Element'               :   1036    ,
'Restore All'                   :   1043    ,
'Restore Lights'                :   1106    ,
'Restore Figure'                :   1107    ,
'Restore Camera'                :   1275    ,
'Memorize Element'              :   1277    ,
'Memorize Figure'               :   1278    ,
'Memorize Camera'               :   1279    ,
'Memorize Lights'               :   1280    ,
'Memorize All'                  :   1281    ,
'Use Limits'                    :   1089    ,
'Straighten Torso'              :   1112    ,
'Hide Figure'                   :   1133    ,
'Show All Figures'              :   1134    ,
'Delete Figure'                 :   1135    ,
'Height Adolescent'             :   1148    ,
'Height Ideal Adult'            :   1149    ,
'Height Fashion Model'          :   1150    ,
'Height Baby'                   :   1152    ,
'Height Toddler'                :   1153    ,
'Height Child'                  :   1154    ,
'Height Juvenile'               :   1155    ,
'Height Heroic Model'           :   1156    ,
'Drop To Floor'                 :   1205    ,
'Genitalia'                     :   1370    ,
'Auto Balance'                  :   1394    ,
'Create Walk Path'              :   1400    ,
'Set Figure Parent'             :   1402    ,
'Lock Hand Parts'               :   1442    ,
'Conform To'                    :   1475    ,
'Lock Figure'                   :   1492    ,
'Create FBM'                    :   1484    ,
'Left To Right'                 :   1074    ,
'Right To Left'                 :   1075    ,
'Right Arm to Left Arm'         :   1108    ,
'Left Arm to Right Arm'         :   1110    ,
'Left Leg to Right Leg'         :   1111    ,
'Swap Right and Left Arms'      :   1371    ,
'Swap Right and Left Legs'      :   1372    ,
'Swap Right and Left'           :   1373    ,
'Depth Cued'                    :   1044    ,
'Show Background Picture'       :   1051    ,
'Paste onto Background'         :   1052    , 
'Clear Background Picture'      :   1053    ,
'Bend Body Parts'               :   1216    ,
'Background Color'              :   1269    ,
'Foreground Color'              :   1270    ,
'Show Background Footage'       :   1361    ,
'Clear Background Footage'      :   1362    ,
'Ground Shadows'                :   1406    ,
'Figure Circle'                 :   1460    ,
'Use Background Shader Node'    :   1533    ,
'Delete Object'                 :   1255    ,
'Change Parent'                 :   1294    ,
'Replace Body Part with prop'   :   1304    ,
'Object Properties'             :   1378    ,
'Create Magnet'                 :   1462    ,
'Create Wave'                   :   1468    ,
'Spawn Morph Target'            :   1483    ,
'Load Morph Target'             :   1485    ,
'Point At'                      :   1487    ,
'Lock Actor'                    :   1497    ,
'Create Spot Light'             :   1479    ,
'Create Infinite Light'         :   1570    ,
'Create Point Light'            :   1571    ,
'Create Diffuse IBL'            :   1572    ,
'Create Wind Force'             :   1528    ,
'Create Revolving Camera'       :   1565    ,
'Create Dolly Camera'           :   1566    ,
'Main Camera'                   :   1024    ,
'From Front'                    :   1027    ,
'From Top'                      :   1028    ,
'From Right'                    :   1029    ,
'From Left'                     :   1374    ,
'Dolly Camera'                  :   1375    ,
'Posing Camera'                 :   1376    ,
'Left Hand Camera'              :   1396    ,
'Right Hand Camera'             :   1397    ,
'Face Camera'                   :   1398    ,
'Fly Around'                    :   1399    ,
'Aux Camera'                    :   1480    ,
'From Bottom'                   :   1481    ,
'From Back'                     :   1482    ,
'Four Cameras'                  :   1062    ,
'Show Camera Names'             :   1519    ,
'Wireframe'                     :   1030    ,
'Outline'                       :   1040    ,
'Silhouette'                    :   1041    ,
'Hidden Line'                   :   1045    ,
'Smooth Shaded'                 :   1083    ,
'Lit Wireframe'                 :   1084    ,
'Flat Shaded'                   :   1392    ,
'Cartoon with Lines'            :   1393    ,
'Texture Shaded'                :   1410    ,
'Smooth Shaded Lined'           :   1497    ,
'Flat Shaded Lined'             :   1499    ,
'Cartoon'                       :   1501    ,
'Texture Shaded'                :   1409    ,
'Wireframe'                     :   1421    ,
'Outline'                       :   1422    ,
'Silhouette'                    :   1423    ,
'Hidden Line'                   :   1424    ,
'Smooth Shaded'                 :   1425    ,
'Lit Wireframe'                 :   1426    ,
'Cartoon with Lines'            :   1427    ,
'Flat Shaded'                   :   1428    ,
'Use Figure Style'              :   1429    ,
'Flat Shaded Lined'             :   1493    ,
'Smooth Shaded Lined'           :   1494    ,
'Cartoon'                       :   1495    ,
'Fast Tracking'                 :   1031    ,
'Bounding Boxes Only'           :   1092    ,
'Full Tracking'                 :   1420    ,
'Show All'                      :   1470    ,
'Hide All'                      :   1471    ,
'Show Current Selection only'   :   1472    ,
'Ground Plane'                  :   1047    ,
'Head Lengths'                  :   1048    ,
'Hip  Shoulder Relationship'    :   1049    ,
'Vanishing Lines'               :   1050    ,
'Horizon Line'                  :   1146    ,
'Focus Distance Guide'          :   1548    ,
'OpenGL Hardware'               :   1550    ,
'Sreed Software'                :   1551    ,
'One Tone'                      :   1552    ,
'Two Tones'                     :   1553    ,
'Three Tones'                   :   1554    ,
'Four Tones'                    :   1555    ,
'Smooth Toned'                  :   1557    ,
'Render Settings'               :   1225    ,
'Materials'                     :   1265    ,
'Render'                        :   1267    ,
'Make Movie'                    :   1312    ,
'AntiAlias Document'            :   1461    ,
'Sketch Style Render'           :   1466    ,
'MotionBlur Document'           :   1508    ,
'Reload Textures'               :   1559    ,
'Reuse Shadow Maps'             :   1560    ,
'Clear Shadow Maps'             :   1561    ,
'Area Render'                   :   1562    ,
'Render Dimensions'             :   1563    ,
'Recalculate All Cloth and Hair':   1535    ,
'Recalculate All Cloth'         :   1536    ,
'Recalculate All Hair'          :   1537    ,
'Retime Animation'              :   1380    ,
'Loop Interpolation'            :   1395    ,
'Resample Key Frames'           :   1404    ,
'Quaternion Interpolation'      :   1405    ,
'Play Movie File'               :   1407    ,
'Mute Sound'                    :   1413    ,
'Clear Sound'                   :   1414    ,
'Skip Frames'                   :   1415    ,
'Animation Palette'             :   1176    ,
'Parameter Dials'               :   1178    ,
'Libraries'                     :   1201    ,
'Document Window Size'          :   1204    ,
'Editing Tools'                 :   1274    ,
'Joint Editor'                  :   1387    ,
'Walk Designer'                 :   1390    ,
'Graph'                         :   1391    ,
'Camera Controls'               :   1416    ,
'Light Controls'                :   1417    ,
'Memory Dots'                   :   1419    ,
'Preview Styles'                :   1418    ,
'Animation Controls'            :   1459    ,
'Sketch Designer'               :   1465    ,
'Hierarchy Editor'              :   1488    ,
'Python Scripts'                :   1509    ,
'Room Help'                     :   1522    ,
'Talk Designer'                 :   1569    ,
'Quick Start'                   :   1573    ,
'Project Guide'                 :   1574    ,
'Recent Renders'                :   1601    ,
'Material Palette'              :   1583    ,
'Face Preview'                  :   1584    ,
'Photo Lineup'                  :   1585    ,
'Texture Preview'               :   1586    ,
'Face Texture Tool'             :   1587    ,
'Face Shaping Tool'             :   1588    ,
'Hair Growth Groups'            :   1589    ,
'Growth Controls'               :   1590    ,
'Styling Controls'              :   1591    ,
'Dynamics Controls'             :   1592    ,
'Cloth Simulation'              :   1593    ,
'Cloth'                         :   1594    ,
'Cloth Groups'                  :   1595    ,
'Dynamics Controls'             :   1596

Locked Out

PhilC posted Sun, 18 June 2017 at 4:20 PM

If you open RuntimeuiPoser.xrc in a text editor you'll get them all.

Kazam561 posted Sun, 18 June 2017 at 10:56 PM

Many, many, many thanks for this question and these fantastic answers :)

The dust settled, thinking "what a fine home, at least for now" not realizing that doom would soon be coming in the form of a vacuum cleaner.

Anthony Appleyard posted Mon, 19 June 2017 at 12:27 AM


Correctly Runtime/ui/Poser.xrc , but the user should replace each / by a backslash. This forum's message handler acts odd with backslashes.

1559 is listed as "Reload Textures".