Forum: New Poser Users Help

Subject: Want to make V4 fit for OOT Freebie 'RenellaHair' PPro14 GameDeveloper

consumer573 opened this issue on Oct 20, 2017 ยท 7 posts

consumer573 posted Fri, 20 October 2017 at 11:15 AM Online Now!

I have OOT's Freebie, Renella Hair (conforming) for V3 made by OOT and SWAM with a January 2005 Christmas Freebie add-on by Minx. I got it off their site, which no longer carries it, but you can still (Oct 2017) get it here from the 'Wayback Machine" (along with a number of other neat OOT freebies including a necklace and a BullHorn):

I think the easiest way for me to make it fit is to re-add dials to the neck that have been taken out to adjust for X translation, Y translation and Z Translation. I'm doing this to learn a little bit more about Python and Poser. There was a supposed V4 fit by Minx that I have, but when you take it apart and look at the code it refers to G2, which are Smith Micro figures. I would like to get this hair to work because it is simple but neat and with the Minx add-on has a numb er of different styles. I think it can work with the Genesis characters, too with the proper fit.

Any thoughts?

Also are there any hair fit tutorials that have been done for Poser that might address this question?

The photo below does not do it justice:


donnena posted Fri, 20 October 2017 at 2:16 PM

Typically, you just fiddle with the x, y, & z SCALES in the head. You may need some Translates to get it into position.
Then Save it back to the library as a pose.



consumer573 posted Sun, 22 October 2017 at 12:27 PM Online Now!

There are no dials for x,y,z translation. I'd have to create them and put them back in. Scale is pretty much spot on.

The problem is once it's conformed it is out of place, and without the necessary translation dials in an auxiliary place like the head or neck of the hairstyle I cannot do anything.

I know how to take apart the necessary files, but I don't know what to look for and I don't know how to create dials.

By way of example in V4 there is no neck dial to make the neck longer or shorter as is in V3, similarly no abdomen y scale dial, only a general scaling dial that scales all three x,y,z.. Yet someone figured out how to make a "long neck" (Yscale)injection for V4. I'd like to know how to do that for hair styles... and maybe even to add a Y-scale (Long-Short abdomen) for V4. I can't image it is that hard, I just don't know how to do it, or if there are any tricks, scripts or tutorials that address this. I'm not creating new magnets or morphs, I just want to put in a dial for what should already be there.

This is probably really old news for anyone who has made hair in Poser, but I'm thinking all the advice is now for Daz Studio.

donnena posted Sun, 22 October 2017 at 7:55 PM

Since it's not made for V4, when you conform the hair it won't be right for her.
You need to move the hair into place then Parent it to her head.

Ok, in this case, the vendor just hid the trans dials. So, find the CR2 and make a copy of it. THEN open the COPY in Word pad or Note pad ++ or some other text editor.
Find the BODY part. Under that look for ytran, xtran & ztran.
xtran will look like this

    translateX xtran  
        name GetStringRes(1028,12)  
        initValue 0  
        hidden 0  
        forceLimits 0  
        min -100000  
        max 100000  
        trackingScale 0.001  
            static 0  
            k 0  0  
        interpStyleLocked 0  

Change the zero after hidden to 1 and save the file. this will restore the X, Y & Z Translate dials for you.

Once you have it jockied into position, Choose the hair Click Edit > Memorize > Figure. Click the Plus button in the Character library.
Choose the correct things in the choose items window Name it and click save. this should give you the hair in the right position with the trans dials exposed



consumer573 posted Sat, 28 October 2017 at 3:31 AM Online Now!

Yes!, this is along the lines of what I was looking for. Apparently it is easier than I expected because I didn't realize that the coordinates were there but hidden. I thought I'd have to recreate those values and dials and that was what I was asking how to do. I know about the movement for items not related to a figure. I've also done a fair amount of work editing cr2s, and I had started with older hair styles that were designed to save graphics memory and only display in wireframe (think models like egypt hair or sapphire fox, perhaps) by changing the DISPLAYMODE from "Wireframe" to "Use Parent" I could show it more realisticallly in preview mode..

I still don't know how to create dials from scratch and wonder if there are any tutorials on how to do that. For example, once conformed I typically adjust another part such as the neck or head as the body doesn't budge.

Memorize, I'm still not sure exactly what it does even after all this time and why I need it. Is, perhaps, the way to look at it as similar to parenting a prop to a figure except in this case parenting a figure to a figure? Or does memorize make something conform? I notice you didn't say above to conform the hair before jockying it into place.

Thank you for taking the time to write this out!

donnena posted Sat, 28 October 2017 at 10:07 AM

Memorize is what Poser calls the first step in making a new item in the library. Think of it as gathering data to write to the text file.

Yes, you can create dials from scratch. If you can't find anything on the web, The Secrets of figure Creation with Poser 5 (yeah, I know, but it's still relevant!) will help.



consumer573 posted Mon, 30 October 2017 at 3:04 AM Online Now!

Actually I have that book; It's the first one I purchased before I bought Poser. I wanted to read up about the software and see if I felt it was worth investing in. I was looking at it the other day, but for "Memorize" which it did not have. I'll go back and see about the dials. Thanks for the tip about memorize and the way to look at it, Andy.

"Old" books aren't necessarily out of date. For the longest time I kept referring to the Corel 3 book because later versions of the software had all the commands but didn't bother to explain them as it was assumed, I guess, that it was all old and known knowledge. Similar to the software Shade. Shaded 8 had a really good book with tutorials that stlll works to this day. The bad thing about Shade is it is Japanese and when Mirye stopped supporting it I feel it lost a critical ally in the US. You go into the software trying to figure out the commands by yourself.