Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: PoserFusion help after update?

dugpa opened this issue on Oct 13, 2019 ยท 53 posts

dugpa posted Sun, 13 October 2019 at 6:18 PM

I've been using 2014GameDev since it came out, with the PoserFusion plugin for 3ds max. My entire work flow depends on that. So imagine my surprise when I was forced to update to 11.2, only to find the Fusion plug-ins are completely gone. Poof, five years of work, including the project I was in the middle of working on, now unavailable just because of a mere license issue. My business is in ruins. If I try to load my 3ds max scenes now it just says no licensed version of Poser available and crashes completely. I opened a support ticket and the response so far appears to be, "sucks to be you." I won't rant here about removing features from software that I specifically bought it for. More importantly, has anyone come up with a solution to be able to still load files that used poserfusion after the 11.2 forced update? Any help or ideas are greatly appreciated!