Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: How do I set up an emissive shader in Poser?

RAMWorks opened this issue on Aug 26, 2020 ยท 34 posts

RAMWorks posted Wed, 26 August 2020 at 1:10 PM


I've imported an OBJ from DAZ Studio as it's a good promo prop to use, it's got some built in geometry dedicated to light the scene from above. So I figured it would be easy.

  1. Material Room
  2. Use the selector eyedropper to select the geometry (RC LED'S)
  3. Pull out from the Ambient node and down in the Cycles nodes choose Emissive

Is that correct or is there a better way rather than parenting a light to every single one of the LED areas, there are allot of them!

Thanks for the help!


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