Forum: Photography

Subject: Let me re-introudce myself...

Photopium opened this issue on May 07, 2023 ยท 2 posts

Photopium posted Sun, 07 May 2023 at 1:31 PM

Hello all!  I've been away from RO for a pretty long time.  

I started here as Darth_Logice in November of 1999, obviously at the height of prequel fame lol.

Became "William_the_Bloody" after a much beloved Buffy character and stayed there until now.  Had some success in the Marketplace until DAZ kind of 

looked like it was going to be the future.  Not liking Daz, and becoming more and more frustrated with Poser's limitations and demands for resources, I jumped ship to Digital Photography.

Soon my User name will change to "Photopium" .

I'm in the Detroit area, am 51, and just couldn't be further away from the person I was in 1999 (27, wow...)

I've climbed fairly far up the Pro/Am Photography mountain.  I shoot with a NIkon Z6ii, a selection of z-series primes including the new 85 1.2, which is every bit as amazing as it's price tag.

I use Godox lights and mods, have 2 600bm, 1 AD300 pro, 2 V1s and mods too boring to list.

I bought an extra AD600BM and a special head that turns 2 into a 1200 so I could wage war with the sun.  NOBODY wants to shoot Golden hour around here,  but everyone is sure available at high noon :P

Used that one time, heavy...

Then I discovered ND filters that go between the lens and the sensor, so one kit covers all!  Love them, and could see no difference between raw lens with the 1200 versus ND and one much weaker light.

The only thing I'm missing are good vflats, flags, scrims and of course my own studio space, which would be nice but Studio kind of bores me without a carpenter, a painter and a furnisher of free antiques to dress it with.

So many places want a million dollars to rent a white cyclorama and nothing else, maybe you get a Posing char.

Hope there's activity here and let's talk shop!


vikinglady posted Mon, 26 June 2023 at 9:50 AM

Nice to see you again! Hope all is going well.