Forum: Fractals

Subject: How to update they are motion instead of static

vikinglady opened this issue on Jul 04, 2023 ยท 3 posts

vikinglady posted Tue, 04 July 2023 at 7:25 PM

 found in flash archive. :D

Crystals in Motion became static image

How do I update its page with the gif that took me Hours to create and assemble?

Do I need to  Change Gallery or genre settings?

Or is it something Sys-Ops do?

CHMedia posted Wed, 05 July 2023 at 11:56 AM

I believe you may need to upload it as an mp4 file in the video area. It looks like we no longer allow gifs.

vikinglady posted Thu, 06 July 2023 at 7:52 AM

CHMedia posted at 11:56 AM Wed, 5 July 2023 - #4469301

I believe you may need to upload it as an mp4 file in the video area. It looks like we no longer allow gifs.

Hmm...  Know of a good Android OS based converter? 

:{  *still Windows OS deprived in the Midwest*