Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: conforming clothing in the clothroom

RedPhantom opened this issue on Oct 14, 2023 ยท 14 posts

RedPhantom posted Sat, 14 October 2023 at 4:59 PM Site Admin

As promised in this thread, here is my workflow for draping conforming clothing.

Most of it is similar to using the cloth room with dynamic clothing. Load the figure. Move to frame 15 pose figure and if needed move other collision objects into place. Then I load and conform the clothing and set up the cloth room. But rather than clothifying the whole dress, select the hip and clothify that. If there are other body parts you want to drape also, select each and hit clothify again to add them to the simulation. Then select what you want to collide with. Then run the simulation.

Many times, I get a little bunching around the waist. When that happens, I will use the smooth brush in the morph tool to fix that. Note that this morph will look odd if the dress is in different poses, like at the beginning of the scene when the figure is standing.

If a lot of the clothing needs draping, I'll convert it to a prop. Changing conforming clothing to props is hit or miss. Depending on how the clothing is made, it may be difficult or not work at all. The first step I try is to use a script called figure to prop by 3d3. ( I find that switching the clothing to simple bone skinning works best. It's for Python 2 but I've managed to get it to work in Poser 12 and 13.

You can also use the fitting room if you don't want to or can't get the script to work. To do this:

1 load clothing.

2 Hide and body handles.

3 switch the skinning method to poser unimesh

4 switch to the fitting room tab

5 create a new session with the clothing as the object and a figure as the goal

6 hit spawn prop and name the prop

7 go back to the pose room and hide the conforming clothing

If the clothing falls apart, you'll need to import it into a modeler, weld the vertices, and create a prop from that.

Each of these dresses was conforming and the skirts were draped

Let me know if you need more details on how to do any of this

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I use Poser 13 and win 10