Forum: New Poser Users Help

Subject: Whatever wrong with poser?

drawn opened this issue on Dec 03, 2023 ยท 2 posts

drawn posted Sun, 03 December 2023 at 2:49 PM

dondrawPosts: I've lost contact with poser especially the support troops who've b so helpful until a few weeks ago when I got NO RESPONSE from sending an issue. Then the program insisted I wasn't registered and when I tried every move I could think of to register even using Strong Password it rejected me totally. I phoned Poser Broadband in Tennessee, could not get a live person, left numerous messages asking for a Connor and help and...nothing. Do you know anything that might help?

I've lost contact with poser especially the support troops who've b so helpful until a few weeks ago when I got NO RESPONSE from sending an issue. Then the program insisted I wasn't registered and when I tried every move I could think of to register even using Strong Password it rejected me totally. I phoned Poser Broadband in Tennessee, could not get a live person, left numerous messages asking for a Connor and help and...nothing. Do you know anything that might help?