Forum: Community Center

Subject: Question About Thumbnails and the TOS

Byrdie opened this issue on Dec 27, 2023 ยท 7 posts

Byrdie posted Wed, 27 December 2023 at 5:02 PM

Can somebody tell me if nudity is now allowed in thumbnails? Because I just got a face full of it while browsing the gallery, all from the same poster who is rather known for multiple similar renders per day of "bountiful" naked chics. And this is not the first time, nor are they the only ones with such thumbnails. What I think is going on is that the artists are not making thumbs themselves but are letting the gallery software do it for them, and of course it does so by reproducing the entire image. Now I always understood that if nudity was involved, one's thumbnails must be made from the cropped image so as to not have anything NSFW on the front page and last time I looked -- a couple weeks ago -- that was still in the TOS image guidelines section. Has it been changed? Is there a user setting I need to enable so I don't get the Full Monty while casually browsing? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for nudity in the right place -- Merlin knows I've rendered more than bare booty! It's just that when opening the New Art page, one shouldn't have to immediately slam it shut when in company/at work/on a public computer so as to not give anyone a totally unexpected anatomy lesson.