Forum: Community Center

Subject: Dream Home Challenge

APlusDesign opened this issue on Mar 01, 2024 ยท 6 posts

APlusDesign posted Fri, 01 March 2024 at 9:45 AM

If you're looking for something fun to challenge yourself, please try entering the Dream Home Challenge!

For full details and to enter, please view this post in the Challenge Arena:

APlusDesign posted Thu, 07 March 2024 at 10:22 AM

Deadline for the challenge is: March 31, 2024 EOD

All art forms are allowed and encouraged! Please see the above link for details. :)

anniemation posted Fri, 08 March 2024 at 6:31 PM Online Now!

Love the image!

APlusDesign posted Fri, 22 March 2024 at 9:20 AM

anniemation posted at 6:31 PM Fri, 8 March 2024 - #4482302

Love the image!

Thank you so much! :)

APlusDesign posted Mon, 01 April 2024 at 10:44 AM

Thank you to everyone who has participated in this challenge! This challenge is now closed and judging is in progress. May be a few days before results but I will post them to the gallery and to the forums. Hope to see you all at the next one. :)

APlusDesign posted Thu, 04 April 2024 at 10:02 AM

Winners are announced! Please see all the winners and other entries in the Challenge Arena here:

Thank you everyone for participating and hope to catch you at the next one!