Forum: La Femme 2

Subject: cloth jeans don't fit

drawn opened this issue on Mar 10, 2024 ยท 13 posts

drawn posted Sun, 10 March 2024 at 1:23 PM

ok I thot I am learning this but seemingly not, I just abandoned fitting dynamic boho to one LF2 figger and here I'm working with another, got the jeans into the frame and ran clothify and this is the result. what am I not doing right?

drawn posted Sun, 10 March 2024 at 1:36 PM

and I thoyght while waiting for a response that I had not posed her for the fitting, so I did that and ran sim again and got this, which still has some gaps on her hips, because I gave her a curvy body. shall I strip her of curviness and run it again and then can I make her curvy and jeans will conform nicely?


Tipol posted Sun, 10 March 2024 at 2:04 PM

It seems that basically the hips do not fit into the jeans. You should apply your character's morphs to it at the start because the jeans are for La Femme. I'll provide you with a screenshot of the procedure but you may need to select your character at the start instead of La Femme.

For this select the jeans then do this this will make you see a dial on the jeans to adapt it to the shape of your character.

Tipol posted Sun, 10 March 2024 at 2:07 PM

but your solution of starting with a base body in fram 0 and with the body chosen at the end of the simulation should also work I think.

hborre posted Sun, 10 March 2024 at 5:35 PM

If the jeans are modeled for La Femme and you are using LF2 as your base figure, you need to apply the La Femme body shape in frame 1 of the simulation.  Move the pointer on the Animation Controls to frame 5 and remove the LF morph on LF2 (set the tool shape to zero).  Click the Calculate Simulation button and allow it run for as many frames as you create.  The jeans should fit the figure in its A-pose.  In the last frame, pose LF2.  Nevermind, if the jeans don't fit anymore, you are going to recalculate the simulation.  Run Calculate Simulation again.

It occurred to me you want to apply another morph, so set the Animation Control pointer to frame 8 and apply the new morph. Again, you should recalculate the simulation.

Tipol posted Mon, 11 March 2024 at 5:23 PM

hborre posted at 5:35 PM Sun, 10 March 2024 - #4482359

If the jeans are modeled for La Femme and you are using LF2 as your base figure, you need to apply the La Femme body shape in frame 1 of the simulation.  Move the pointer on the Animation Controls to frame 5 and remove the LF morph on LF2 (set the tool shape to zero).  Click the Calculate Simulation button and allow it run for as many frames as you create.  The jeans should fit the figure in its A-pose.  In the last frame, pose LF2.  Nevermind, if the jeans don't fit anymore, you are going to recalculate the simulation.  Run Calculate Simulation again.

It occurred to me you want to apply another morph, so set the Animation Control pointer to frame 8 and apply the new morph. Again, you should recalculate the simulation.

I seem to recognize these jeans, if they are the ones they are good for LF2. It does not have morphs included like the LF products but it is very easy to add the morphs of the character you are using with the method given above.

drawn posted Mon, 11 March 2024 at 6:59 PM

I tried to follow directions but the thing froze as I wanted to fit the sweater as well as the jeans, which seemed to fit altho I couldn't rotate figure to test.

anyhow, frozen for long minutes.

and what's that weird shatter effect behind her neck, which may have something to do with freeze?


hborre posted Mon, 11 March 2024 at 8:06 PM

Fitting two dynamic clothing items in the Cloth Room requires 2 separate simulations, 1 for each item.  If there is an overlap of clothing layers then you need to make adjustments for each item to properly collide and drape over themselves.  Otherwise, the simulation will freeze and crash.  That shatter effect is from an unusual collision with something in the scene.  

You haven't provided enough information about your scene setup.  What items are you loading onto the stage?  Are the items fitting correctly before your simulation?  We can't tell from the screencap.  BTW, if you want to see if the clothing fits 360 degrees, select your figure (LF2) and spin the yRotation dial.

Tipol posted Tue, 12 March 2024 at 2:05 AM

The problem with the sweater collar is the hair that collided with it. Usually it doesn't go well. You need to uncheck the collision settings. They are in the head settings.

drawn posted Tue, 12 March 2024 at 4:20 PM

help. ive lost now the cloth simulation dials and cannot bring them back. I switched to pose and back to cloth and still they don't appear. ???


drawn posted Tue, 12 March 2024 at 4:28 PM

I restarted and got cloth sim dials back, but now (still) can't clothing the jeans, it just shows body, which cannot clothing.

hborre posted Tue, 12 March 2024 at 4:53 PM

Click on the down arrow in that panel.  The pants did not show up automatically because you did not have them selected.

Tipol posted Tue, 12 March 2024 at 4:57 PM

you have to click on the triangle this allows you to scroll down the list of what is in the workspace and select what you want to simulate, so for you the jeans.