Forum: Photoshop

Subject: Making a sunny day photo into a rainy day photo

joezabel opened this issue on May 22, 2001 ยท 5 posts

joezabel posted Tue, 22 May 2001 at 9:58 PM

This is a tough one! It isn't difficult to create the lighting ambiance of a rainy day-- increase the contrast, decrease the brightness, decrease the saturation, and use the paintbucket tool with the setting of 'multiply' to lay a coating of grey overy the whole scene. Creating the stormclouds is a bit more difficult. but I figure that is more a matter of developing ones prowess with the airbrush tool. But creating the rain itself is extremely difficult! Attached is my best attempt, but it's still too over-the-top and clutzy (and looked even worse before I reduced it 30% for the side-by-side pic.) It was done by painting each raindrop individually; I created an inch-square swatch of these in one corner (on a separate layer) and then used the rubber stamp tool (a very useful tool!) to proliferate the pattern throughout the picture. I went over these with the blur tool to try to de-emphasize some of the more obviously clutsy rain, and to give somewhat of a 3-d look. I added another layer beneath it where I added rainmist drifting through the street. I really didn't intend to make the scene as rainy as I did, but I found that adding more rain tended to 'sell' the rain that was already there. Fortunately I don't need this for a current assignment; I'm just experimenting to expand my repertoire. Does anybody have any suggestions or experience about how to do this better?