Darkworld opened this issue on Jun 04, 2001 ยท 19 posts
Darkworld posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 4:06 PM
ok... finished a new figure, the morphs and everything work perfectly, except EVERY time i open and close the figure, the morph targets reset their increment settings (i have it set to .005) to some insanely small number so you have to crank the dial for five minutes to see any change. i even went into morph manager and manually reset ALL the increments, and BAM it sill changed them to random tiny numbers when i started poser. needless to say this causes an enormous headache and i would love any suggestions thanks!
ScottA posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 6:36 PM
You wouldn't happen to be using the German version of Poser. And /Or Win2000 are you? There were people having this kind of trouble with JP settings a while back. ScottA
bloodsong posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 6:56 PM
heyas; no, poser just does that. for some reason, it does NOT save morph dial increment settings. maybe in version 5. :/
ScottA posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 6:59 PM
What happens if you move your morph dial from 0 to .005. Then click memorize figure? Will that work? ScottA
Darkworld posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 8:32 PM
where is the memorize figure button?
JKeller posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 9:00 PM
Memorize figure: Edit Menu > Memorize > Figure. I can't think how this will help your current situation though. Unfortionately I think bloodsong's answer is correct. Poser seems to figure out the 'sensitivity' for MT's on its own. Maybe based on how much displacement there is in the deltas?
Darkworld posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 10:13 PM
nope, if you leave the displacement the same for 10 different morph targets, poser randomly chooses intervals for each... !#@$!$%@##$%^ =/
Darkworld posted Mon, 04 June 2001 at 10:14 PM
i mean, the joint for moving the left leg has the same upper and lower limits as a claw morph for example, why does poser make a DRASTICALLY different interval setting for the morph?! this sucks... i hate downloading figures and having to type in the morph values, cause you just cant wait for the darn dial =P
bloodsong posted Wed, 06 June 2001 at 4:42 PM
heyas; well, the joints and the morphs use different calculations for that.... thing that poser does. i mean, a left leg can move like 30-60 degrees or more. morphs usually go from 0-1; that's a huge difference. anyhow, i think somebody once postulated that poser calculates the morph dial increment speed based on the upper and lower limits and some kinda arbitrary algorithm. do you guys remember? does it make smaller increments if you set small limits (0-1 vs -1000000-10000000?) or you think it's the delta distance? :/
Darkworld posted Wed, 06 June 2001 at 5:53 PM
hehe i guess its very arbitrary, because the same limits always result in different intervals... annoying
ScottA posted Wed, 06 June 2001 at 8:29 PM
My suggestion is this: 1.)open the figure in Poser 2.)using the morph dials. Bring each morph way out much farther than you would bring them normally. Then export each morph again as new .obj files. 3.)re-apply those new morphs to the figure and save it You're morphs won't move at exactly the same speed. But at least they won't creep along at a snails pace. ScottA
black-canary posted Mon, 11 June 2001 at 1:57 PM
you can fix this with an easy cr2 edit--for every "channel" there's an "init value" setting. I use this all the time. Just set it to the number you want it to be--problem solved.
Darkworld posted Mon, 11 June 2001 at 2:42 PM
COOL! and does this work the same for hr2 and pp2 files with morphs?
ScottA posted Mon, 11 June 2001 at 5:48 PM
Dan. I manually changed the init value for a morph increment in a figure's .cr2 file. But Poser ignored it and gave me a random number. Based on a calculation between the beginning and ending of the deltas. This is not the same case as the init value for the items listed under the "Channels" sections. If those are editied. Poser acknowledges them. What init value are you changing? ScottA
bloodsong posted Tue, 12 June 2001 at 6:52 PM
heyas; black canary: so.... you're saying you have to set all the morphs to initvalue 1? (or .1 or whatever?) that'd be kinda annoying, though they can be easily switched back to zero with a restore figure. :)
thip posted Wed, 13 June 2001 at 3:02 PM
Dan Wilmes' CR2Edit has a tool for this - does the trick with three clicks. http://users.neca.com/dwilmes/cr2edit.html
ScottA posted Wed, 13 June 2001 at 6:28 PM
Thip, Are you saying that using Dan's program. If you change the settings and save the figure to the library. It will stay that way when you open the figure again? Or do you need to click those three clicks every time you open the figure from the library? ScottA
thip posted Thu, 14 June 2001 at 12:47 AM
Scott - any changes (in this case to "dial tracking speed", I think) made to CR2's via Dan's app can be saved to a new CR2 (to protect your original Poser figs) or the same CR2 - so the changes are permanent. Most tools in CR2Edit are just a few clicks work, and most of'em make easy work of many of the problems encountered in figure and CR2 fiddling. The app's not freeware (but very low-priced), but it's good enough to be used by DAZ, no less). That's why I volunteered to co-author the manual AFTER buying the tool - I don't work for mr. Wilmes, I just think that a lot of the creative energy of figure creators could be released by leaving trivial tasks to a quick-and-easy tool.
Wizzard posted Thu, 14 June 2001 at 5:06 AM
And yes.. it works for pp2, hr2, etc... also unpaid but very appreciative of the work. and with a little cajolery you can transfer morphs back and forth.. but ensure that tis the same mesh.. as it'll reansfer the MT's without an argument... but if thy don't match the mesh the results can be.... interesting 8 ) also can be used for creating/editing mat files CHeers