...THE HUMAN BEING! This fellow was rendered and created entirely in Carrara. The only Poser work was using the default male nude figure as a reference, but the model was built entirely from scratch. Every peice of the model was done in the metaball modeler. You will note that he has no face - most complex facial movements would require vertex modeller work and morph targeting, which I am not good at [yet]. I opted to go a different way - textured faces, ala 'Legend of Zelda,' 'Chrono Cross,' or 'Final Fantasy 7.' The eyes and mouth will simply be layered textures. The model is not actually fully finsihed. I need to finish the IK heirarchy and joint constraints, but the model is complete. Which leads me to some questions/complaints - 1. When you move a hotpoint on an object, the object[s] just below it in the IK chain move conversely - if I move the hot point up, the next objects move down, which forces me to de-chain it to work properly. However.... 2. When you chain/de-chain an object in the heirarchy with a constraint, it seriously screws up, and seems to disapear. Actually, the object just repositions itself, but at some extreme point - like, (100,-123, 590). So I need to turn off constraints before linking/delinking. 3. Constraints seems to disapear after deselecting the object. The constraint remains in place, but alll the editing options have disappeared. It appears the constraint has reset itself, but rather the options just look like they have. It makes constraints difficult to refine beucas you basically need to start from scratch if you deselect the object and then need to edit it later. 4. Layered shaders dont seem to work. I tried making some layers on the face so I could place the eyes and mouth, but the layered shaders dont appear. The layer is apparently invisible. The layer is created because it appears in the shader tree, but the selected layer area remains hidden. But, aside from all that, I'm proud of what I got. Stay tuned to see animations involving humans, especially sword play. 'Till then! Nebula [Supernova Studios](http://snstudios.dk3.com)