Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: advice needed re 3d world crashing my puter

etep opened this issue on Jul 18, 2001 ยท 9 posts

etep posted Wed, 18 July 2001 at 10:49 PM

has anyone else here got 3d world , i have it and it constantly locks up my puter when i go to render pic, only time i have had puter crash in ages and it has done it 4 times today, my puter is miles above the specs required, 3d world is a programme that allows u to do landscapes within poser lol, i want my money back

Moonbiter posted Wed, 18 July 2001 at 11:07 PM

Have you emailed hmann about your problem? I'm curious because I my CPU runs below the minimum requriements and I haven't had a problem so far. Though my RAM far exceeds the minimums. Does it lock up when it is preparing the shadow map or does it actually start rendering on the screen and then locks up? I had a huge problem not to long ago that invovled too many objects and too many lights causeing Poser to lock up when it was creating the shadow maps. I actually had to make two seperat files each with one half of the scene and shoot my shots that way.

ronstuff posted Thu, 19 July 2001 at 9:18 AM

Are you referring to the 3D World Kit (which is an elaborate set of props for Poser) - or are you referring to AnimaTek's 3D World Builder. I have both. I've had no problem with the Kit except I don't seem to get any ground shadows in Poser, but I'm still happy with it. As for World Builder - it is constantly crashing and hardly worth the money, and I'm very disappointed with it.

Solar384 posted Thu, 19 July 2001 at 11:27 AM

How much ram do you have, etep? 3D World needs lots of ram. I have 384meg and can add lots of stuff to the world. On my office PC, I only have 128 and I suffer the same lockup problem. If you have 128 or less, I suggest reducing the size of the ground maps. That should help. Also, make sure nothing is running in the background. SAVE your scene before trying to render! Often you can restart Poser and render the freshly loaded scene just fine. ronstuff... only the key light has shadows on by default. You can move it around till you get the effect you want. Or turn shadows on for the front light. You can save new light settings once you get it right. I've found myself swapping the positions of the front a key light to get my desired ground shadows.

ronstuff posted Thu, 19 July 2001 at 12:13 PM

Yes, I know that the Key light is the only shadow casting light by default, and that it comes in at the 12:00 o'clock noon position and you have to rotate it to get an angle. I did read the manual. I still have never been able to get a shadow on the ground object. As a test, turned on the built-in ground plane and stood my character on that. Shadows rendered fine, but with the ground-plane off (as the instructions say) there are no shadows on the World Kit Ground. If you have an example of this being successfully done, I'd like to see it. BTW - I do see shadows in the "preview" but not in the final render.

Solar384 posted Thu, 19 July 2001 at 1:30 PM

Here's a quick render just to get a shadow on the ground. I cranked the intensity way up on the key light and lowered it a bit. Not the greatest, but it's there! I'll bet Pro Pack is eating your shadows. Try Poser 4. Good luck! BTW... That's Ron Molina's exceptionally cool demon, Skeletorn.

ronstuff posted Thu, 19 July 2001 at 2:40 PM

Hey that looks really nice even for a "quickie" - thanks! I will install Poser 4 on another box immediately! and move the World Kit there. It is truly disappointing in the ProPack - even your textures are mapping better than they do in ProPack - what a waste of money that upgrade was! BTW do you have a URL where there might be some trees? I got a couple from freestuff (Nerd3D's I think), but in another post you mentioned a different tree. I did a quick search here but didn't turn up anything. Thanks again, "John Carter of Mars, over and out!"

Solar384 posted Thu, 19 July 2001 at 4:39 PM

The tree I use is Anton Kisiel's Bonsai tree. It's available at Daz3d. Not cheap, but very much worth it IMO. It poses easily and Dmentia has some very nice maps for it at the Daz store too. Highly recommended. That's pretty much the only tree I use in Poser. It's very versatile. I use it for foreground shrubs and flowers too.

ronstuff posted Thu, 19 July 2001 at 5:08 PM

Thanks for the info, I looked at that, and wondered - sounded good, but I am glad to hear an actual user review. I won't be spending much money at DAZ, though because of their recent policy shift in their TOS. If I see it somewhere else, I'll buy it.