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May as your ladys or gentleman where tired for walking out at saturday on their foots, there's now a sportscar available for them at the market-place. With it the can drive with ease from A to B without ruining their fashionable clothes and shoes. The hood, backdoor, doors, seatback, front-wheels and steering-wheel can be posed. The body in general or only the Hardtop can be hidden, either to have a cabriolet or to show just the chassis. It's a CR2-figure which targets to a object, what means the car can be used also for other 3D-applicatios which can import object-files. It has a texture with 3072x2252 pixels and the object has also 37 assigned materials for different fabric-parts. For making it easy to take the first ride, there's 2 poses (driver-pose and opening the hood) in it. It's now available at the market-place for a introduction-price of 10 Dollars. BTW: It looks fast, but you have more security when driving slow. LOL SHARKEY