Hello! I recently bought V2 and only have one hairstyle that looks worth a crap rendered (transmapped). And no clothes that fit properly. Where does one find trans-mapped hair for V2 and clothes without spending a fortune? I already spent more then I should already (hobby only, and man is it starting to rack up). I tend to think that hair and clothing are pretty much the most important thing in making a girl look good. And unfortunately, they seem to be the hardest to find... Any good download sites? I already got most everything for victoria from here. Does Vicky clothes fit V2? What other clothes fit V2 that I might be over looking? My main project is called "HalfBreed" its a Victoria 2 figure that I textured in photoshop using photoshop 6 and photos of my wife. (she thinks I have gone insane). Halfbreed is half human half alien. The goal is to make her look extremely beautiful, but obviously not-of-this world. :) So far I amazed at how well she looks. Just cant seem to get the hair and clothes downpat.. I hate the plastic looking melted and molded hair!.... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Mike