I downloaded Blackhearted's terrific Angelyna model and was goofing around with her, and it suddenly struck me why I kept thinking she looked so familiar... Blackhearted modeled her after his ex-fiance, but she also bears a really strong resemblance to Xenia Seeberg, the actress who plays Xev on the tv series "Lexx." (This is a quick stab at doing Xev with Angelyna, with Season Two hair.) Now that I've figured this out, I'm going to have to make her a Xev texture. And make some long streaky-blonde Season Three hair for her (it looked a lot better than the red wig.) And model her a cute little Xev suit. Hmmmm.... Come to think of it, it did sound like Blackhearted's ex was at least part Cluster Lizard... :->