Forum: Bryce

Subject: Exporting from Bryce and ugly messages !

Skygirl opened this issue on Nov 08, 2001 ยท 11 posts

Skygirl posted Thu, 08 November 2001 at 3:04 AM

Well, when I build an object in Bryce and try to export it out I often get the little ugly message that tell me that Bryce have made an illigal action and the program will be closed. I can export smaller object, but when its a big object Bryce just...ehhh...give me that message and close down. Does any of you know what Im doing wrong ??? I would like to export obj-files.

hogwardenwork posted Thu, 08 November 2001 at 8:10 AM

Hi, Skygirl Bryce can become unpredictable when it is choked for RAM... How much RAM has your machine got? If you're on a MAC, I believe that you can alter the amount of RAM allocated to each application. If you have plenty of memory then it might be a good idea to re-instal Bryce in case you have a corrupted file.

Skygirl posted Thu, 08 November 2001 at 8:20 AM

Ufff...I certainly dont hope I have a corrupted anything...when I look at the details the message say that Bryce making troubles for a...yes, a kern 32 dll...really dont hope Ive destroyed anything. Im on PC and have 256 RAM Sky.

hogwardenwork posted Thu, 08 November 2001 at 9:56 AM

Sky... 256Meg might not be enough ram if as you say the object is very large... looks like this is your problem as I believe the Kern32 DLL (part of windows) deals with memory allocation. Ram is extremely cheap these days - Last week I upgraded from 256 to 768Meg and it only cost me 45UK ($64US). Strangely, I havn't had a single Bryce crash since! And I didn't mean to worry you about corrupted files... but it happens. It might be worth re-installing Bryce anyway as it takes 2 minutes and will not cause ANY bad effects. Then if it still happens get more RAM. Hope you succeed in exporting those objs! Howie.

Skygirl posted Thu, 08 November 2001 at 10:26 AM

MORE RAM...I thought I was safe !!! Last week I was on 128 MB RAM. Then I upgraded to 256 and now you say: more !!! Luckily RAM is cheap here in Denmark too, soooo I guess I have to do a little shopping tomorrow :-) !!! Only one thing I dont like about this: I have open my harddrive-thingie scary...its full of stanges stuff and wires and things...and I have this bad feeling that I really do have to leave anything in its place or else.... !!!! And reinstalling I have to take any backup of my stuff or is it like when I reinstall windows at my parents puter...everything remains the same after the reinstall ?!? Sky

hogwardenwork posted Fri, 09 November 2001 at 5:55 AM

Sky... Re-installing is easy and you don't need to back anything up. It only replaces the files needed to run Bryce and leaves all your data intact. Nothing will be deleted. Just run the setup file on your Bryce CD. Try to install it over the top of the one already on your drive and all your presets etc. will still be there... it seems more likely to be RAM, but give the re-install a try. Might work. Howie

Skygirl posted Fri, 09 November 2001 at 7:59 AM

Ok, and thank you ! Ill try the re-install thingie ! Sky :-)

WoostaChris posted Fri, 09 November 2001 at 11:32 PM

I'd always suggest backing up your presets folder before reinstalling - just in case. Just save the presets folder into another directory, and you should be set. As for kern32.dll... that might be the Windows kernel... I'm not sure why it would be giving you errors, but try only running Bryce (close Photoshop and other memory-intensive programs). Try updating your drivers for your video card and run any critical updates from Windows Update (I'm assuming some version of Windows here). Good luck.

Skygirl posted Sat, 10 November 2001 at 1:14 AM

Ok, Ill also try to close all the programs I useally have open (how did you know ? Is it a woman-thing :-) ???) Since Ive got this new puter that at least on the paper should be better that my old Compaq 4504 with 47 MB RAM I think I can do everything at the same time, but I must admit that win 98 aint that good to to handle memory-recourses as win 95...or at least so it seems for me. Maybe Im just expecting too much of this new wonderfull puter Ive bought for far too much money :-)

WoostaChris posted Sat, 10 November 2001 at 12:30 PM

Uh, are you running Windows 98 or Windows 98, Second Edition? If you right click on My Computer and select properties, it should tell you there (or run Start menu->Help). If you've bought you computer recently, you should have Win 98 SE. Supposedly, the first Windows 98 had memory problems (I think). If you have that, it may be the cause of your memory problems. Does the computer crash a lot and give error messages and stuff? Or it it just with Bryce?

Skygirl posted Sun, 11 November 2001 at 10:41 AM

I have Windows 98 SE. My puter only gives me troubles with this exporting-thingie. Else it just do as I ask it to do...also in Bryce. Thats why Im a little surprised that it happens ?!?