I have read several tutorials and am trying to make new clothing, but as yet I do not have (nor can I afford) any other 3d software. So I am stuck working with the clothes I already have and transparency maps. My present dilemma is this: I am trying to recreate the outfit used in the infamous "egyptian bikini" fight scene in The Mummy Returns for a Victoria model I have. I used the catuit as a base, trimmed off the parts I didn't need with Compose, and used a transparency map to get the right shape. Now I would like to be able to add a reflection map since the item is supposed to be gold, but transparency maps and reflection maps do not mix and I get the image shown below on the right. If I skip the reflection, I get the rather flat looking image on the left. What I'd like to know is: 1) Am I doing something wrong with the two maps or is impossible to have both a transparency and reflection at the same time? 2) Even better, is there a way I could shape the image itself and not have to rely on a transparency? Again, I only have Poser (and the Mac freeware available) to work with. I tried using the Grouping Tool to extract a prop, but since the item is in segments (left collar, right collar, etc.) that doesn't work. Thanks for listening.