Well this is what you can do, it's fun, i'll post more if you guys like the technique. Process slide film regularly (e-6) then don't cut or mount the negs, then run the film through the printer like it was a reular c-41 roll. Fiddle with the colours and density to make the blacks white (or whatever colour) and voila! Well, i like it heh. A fun use for slide film if you have the equipment (only around 50 or 60 grand) or if you REALLY like the technique you can always quit your dayjobs and become a lowly photolab-rat like me and see millions of EXACTLY THE SAME PICTURE, family around christmas tree, eiffel tower from below, crappy shot from CN tower, las vegas, Butchart gardens..oh someone please kill me if i see another flower! oops heh right .....uhhhhh. g'night