Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Thanks for "Free Stuff" Contributions

ravenfeeder opened this issue on Dec 10, 2001 ยท 13 posts

ravenfeeder posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 9:01 AM

I think it's once again time for those of us who haven't yet learned to make our own props to say a very big thanks to those of you out there who create and offer such great props, clothing, etc. for our perhaps somewhat amateurish efforts at creating nice Poser images. I for one very much appreciate your efforts!

jaybutton posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 9:34 AM

I also want to thank everyone for their freestuff contributions. It is really very generous and very much appreciated. I also want to thank those who make their work available in the Marketplace at what is normally very reasonable prices. Lastly, I want to thank everyone who contributes to the forums and help newbies like me figure out Poser. I've just been using Poser a few months now, but I have found the Poser community to be very friendly and helpful. Thanks again, Jay

SnowSultan posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 9:45 AM

I know the Contributor of the Month is supposed to be for vendors only, but I think Graphon012 deserves a pat on the back for his/her constant and seemingly endless supply of Free Stuff items. It reminds me of the "old days", when you had to check Free Stuff two of three times a day just to keep up with all the new items. Thank you Graphon, and everyone else who donates their time and talent to continue providing the rest of us with free creations. I hope to be able to make more items to share with you all as well in the near future. Take care. SnowS Hoping his pictures are worth 1001 words

my DeviantArt page:


I do not speak as a representative of DAZ, I speak only as a long-time member here. Be nice (and quit lying about DAZ) and I'll be nice too.

ronknights posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 10:20 AM

Let me post my own thank you for the very generous and talented people who make freestuff available. I "rediscovered" Poser recently, and thought my learning efforts might be hampered for lack of funds. I followed a trail of links beginning with the Curious Labs site, and ending up finally at Renderosity. There is such an abundance of excellent resources here. I think most of us would agree much of this free stuff is "commercial in potential." Indeed many fine artists move on to offer their work for sale. I have also been impressed with the quality and price of the items in the Marketplace. The work is excellent and the prices are very affordable. I hope the artists are able to make a few dollars, and eventually make enough so they can actually "make a living from their talents." Thanks again to all the artists who contribute to Free Stuff, and to the Marketplace. And thank you, Renderosity, for being a fine artists community.

Schlabber posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 10:43 AM

As you all starting the big thank-you here don't forget the other places around ... it is not only the people contributing here at this place free stuff - it is also the people who are paying for their websites to keep their free stuff available (Questor, Lannie, 3DCommune, and many many more) as well as the other communities - I'm glad we have some variety here :o). And in my case: Thank you all for sending me this and that thank you and contributing myself in buying the CD of mine (this is not meant as promotion - please don't get me wrong here - this is meant truely and heartly :o) Schlabber

Strangechilde posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 11:24 AM

I, for one, would be hard put to model a cylinder. I'm very grateful to all of the generous and talented people who have posted their work to share. Why, poor Vicky might have to run around naked without all you folks! Thanks!

ronknights posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 11:48 AM

Schlabber, You brought up another excellent point. It's hard for many artists to find web site space to contribute their free stuff. In fact, "free web site" hosts don't seem to like hosting downloads...So many artists have a hard time finding a free host. It is rather ironic if an artist must pay to give away free stuff. I have no problems with artists who begin charging for their work. We get a great deal for the price. I've seen a taste of Schlabber's CD, and would definately add it to my library if I had the funds. I encourage all those of you who can afford the money to support these fine artists who "go commercial." They need to eat, pay the bills, and support their computer habits too.

scifiguy posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 1:09 PM

Here here! I use free stuff in almost everything image I do and love having it available. Those thanks definitely include you and the many others with offsite free stuff Schlabber (I've got a bookmark folder stuffed full of great URLS!). We the modeling inept (and increasing poor thanks to Poser) salute you all!

nfredman posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 1:18 PM

Yup, i pay my own way in the matter of web sites and domains--but i can afford to, as i have a day job that affords me that luxury. i also host a thing or two for other folks who need free-stuff room, and it hasn't hurt my bandwith a bit. i'm just happy to help out. Thank YOU all for your gratitude--makes doing it that much sweeter.

wgreenlee1 posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 1:48 PM

thanks from me too

micca posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 4:55 PM

the free stuf is incredibal and as a beginner your advice just as increadibal. thank you everyone

rudipooimf posted Mon, 10 December 2001 at 10:42 PM

Just thought i'd throw in my two cents here. I have paid to get a hosting provider with unlimited bost bandwidth so i can host my free stuff and my new partners Rexxzilla. We will continue to host high quality stuff at and if there are any artist out there that need a place to get an item hosted we are always willing to take a look. Enjoy all the new stuff we put out...:)

LaurieA posted Tue, 11 December 2001 at 12:58 PM

I've been paying for my own site too for awhile to host my freestuff. Got sick of not being able to link back to it. But the little bit I pay doesn't really seem like much when there are folks like you guys who actually appreciate the stuff and use it :). Laurie