I would put this in the wip gallery, but it doesn't seem appropriate since it's not, and yet I don't want to put it in the finished gallery since it's not (noticing a pattern?), so I hope no one minds too much I'm putting it here (not that it's the first of its sort to be posted in here). Anyhow, after trying different techniques, this is my latest attempt. I haven't decided yet what I think of it, and probably won't until tomorrow, but it was pretty fun to do, and my poor tablet has been feeling neglected lately (it told me so). So, all of my rambling aside, I'd appreciate some comments. I'd like to at some point do this with a real image, but I find I am usually disappointed with the look of my painted hair because it looks so out of place when I do it, whereas an actual hair model looks better, even if it's blockier. It just seems more natural to the scene than some "soft" looking hair butting into it. Does that make sense? No? Ok, I'll shut up now. :)