Ive been working on a three-minute animation in Poser, using a number of camera moves and cuts. Obviously, with its 999 frame limit, I was going to have to set up a series of files, one for each cut. I was having trouble figuring out how to go from one file to another without losing my characters position, stance, morphs, et al. The manual is, natch, of no use when talking about this, and there didnt seem to be any way of deleting front-end frames from any given file. So this was the solution I came up with. I imagine it seems a little clunky, and Lord knows theres probably a far simpler way of doing it, but: First I note the characters xyz coordinates on the dials. Then I create a temp folder in my poses library and save the characters last position as a single-frame pose. Then I delete all frames except 1 and use the library pose on the character. I reset the xyz coordinates, and bingo! Im at a new starting point but with my character at the same position he was at the end of the previous one. Continuity... its a good thing... Like I said, theres probably a far easier way of doing it, so any suggestions would be appreciated.