I am trying to make some custom morphs but I keep running into the same problem: after I create the Morph it makes the custom Dial and when I test it it just makes the face look like it was deformed at birth or is in the process of exploding!
I followed these steps:
1)using the Heirarchy editor I delete everything except the head (male or Female) then I export it as a .obj .
2) then I import it to ZBRUSH and alter the Mesh, and export it as a .obj file again.I save it in my Geometries folder in Poser 4.
3)then I open Poser again and click on Object/Properties and click on the Face: Add Morph Target/ then I open the file.
The only problem I can think of is maybe it needs to be resized or something..?
Attached is a pic of the Morph obj and the melted/messed-up head.