Hi, Im a newbie. I love Poser, but there is nothing or frustrating in the world then my couple problems here. First Problem, I just recently got Vicki and some clothing and hair props for her. Every time I open her or the props up it says (This file has a newer version then expected) I added the pic. I have Poser 4. With the exception of the ProPack, dont I have the most recent version? My second Problem, When i actually do open her up and she's on the screen Ill try to add a shirt or something. When I add something Vicki dissapears and the object stays. Where does she go? Ive added a pic for that also. My third problem is after ive added Vicki, a shirt and maybe a prop, It says im out of memory. Ive added this pic also. I hyave a P4 1.7 Meg with 256 of rdram and poser is the only program running. I appreciate any help I can get. thanks in advance.