Dug this old camera out of the basement today....it used to be my mothers and she gave it to me when I was 8 years old...that was back in 1976. I have no idea how old it actually is, so I'm posting some pics of it and maybe someone here has seen this kind of camera before. I'm sure it's not worth a thing monetarily, but I've been thinking about maybe trying to use it again, just for fun. Looks like an old point and shoot, inside where the film goes it says USE 620 FILM, Takes 12- 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 pictures. Do they even make 620 film anymore? Could I substitute 120? On the left side of the camera there are 2 holes, I'm assuming this is for flash? On the front it says it was made by Herbert-George Co., Chicago 6, Ill.
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