Hi there, I get alot of inquiries on how to make birds for Poser. It isn't cake but not to hard really. The rotational order for the wings should be x(twist), y(extend/bend), z(flap/bend). My approach with my songbird was to use only two body parts for the wings since poser wings can't fold pretty anyway. This is because Poser only squishes and cannot slide the feathers under each other like cards in a deck. A work around is possible but the wings would have hundreds of body parts. Anyway, don't model one big clump for the wing. Make individual feathers and a basic arm to slide them into. Use diagrams from sites or books to make a wing that looks real. I obviously used a passerine(songbird) stucture for my songbird but the wing set up is usually very similar. Notice how the Inclusion/exclusion handlebars are set up(the red and green lines). MEMORIZE THIS: Everything inside green moves with the rotation. Everything outside of red does not. Everything between the two is deformed during the rotation. Keep repeating it and it will make sense. I know this is pretty advanced but save the diagram. It may come in handy. I will answer questions if you post them here. Anton PS:Other pictures of the wings bending and such can be seen in the ad images for it at daz. You might want to pluck those off the web too.
-Anton, creator of
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