And they were all incredibly bad! I've never seen such expensive toys in my life! I read some good stuff about Sony cameras (and saw some pretty good examples) on, so I went to my local photo shop and asked if I could test some. Told them I wanted to buy the mavica fd-85 if it's as good as I've seen. Well, just meant as a sort of subsitute for polaroid shooting/as backup to normal stuff. Well, my dissapointment is just beyond belief. The camera goes at $600 (normal price is $800). Let me just make a small list of things that have amazed me sofar: - No way to shoot in low light conditions. It's either incredibly underexposed or it turns out to be a blurred picture with lots of noise. - LCD display is far too unsharp to check the focussing - Battery (pack) only lasts around one or two hours. Not even an hour in heavy shooting. - The shutter sucks. You need to press it so hard that there's NO way too hold the camera still - The camera is far too light, which makes it shake as much as your hand or the wind or as hard as you push the shutter. So no stability. - There IS no focussing. Well, there is, but it's so slow that when you move your camera it never has enough time to focus at all. - The IS no sharpness. Period. A $800 camera that can't make one sharp photo. - Exposure compensation is crap. Doesn't work...doesn't have any effect. - Zooming is crap too. It's not real zooming. Fake....not optical anyway. - Lens is crap. It's not 2.8, like it says. A 2.8 is fast, and a 2.8 can see something in the dark. It's something like f8. - Metering is a joke. It's as good as my $40 webcam. It can't handle bright objects in dark areas, etc. - Flash is a bloody flood light. Everything turns white and looses color. No way to use flash in a good way. - Features are a waste of time and money. Shooting in B&W, Speia, Negative and Solarized is just really sad.... White balance is crap, Sharpness is crap, - It's very poorly constructed. I can buy a Nikon F60 including two Nikkor lenses for $800. Plastics aren't a solid base to make a camera body. - Lens is featured at the (if you're looking at the camera) right side of the camera. So that's not very good....even twin lens medium format cameras with parrallax work better. I just shot some test photos, but they are so bad that I'm ashamed to actually post them here. Now, I only took this one home (only tested the others in town), so I hope they do refund me, lol ;) Well, here they are...