Ok gang, I've decided on something, and I'd like some feedback on my little brainstorm: Over the course of my time here, I've spent a lot of time focusing on making characters look distinctive. Through either extensive use of the standard morphs, or the use of third-party morphs, I think I've done a decent job of it. So have others, who have asked me in IM's and emails if I would make my faces available. So, I've decided to do so, with the opening of ChromeTiger's FaceWorks. However, I'm thinking of doing things a little differently...here's how: 1. My faces will be straight manipulation of standard facial morph dials, and distributed as FC2 files. All you'll need will be the figure the faces are made for (Michael 2, Victoria 2, etc.) Why FC2 files? They're freely distributable under the DAZ licensing, they're easy to install and work with, and it keeps the original morph channels freely adjustable. Pluss they'll work on any variant of the original character they're made for, because they won't interfere with any custom morphs you may have added. 2. Licensing of both my free and commercial packages will allow unlimited use of my FC2 files as a base for your own commercial projects, including character packages and your own facial projects. All I ask is credit in your readme, don't distribute the original FC2 files, and maybe a freebie of your work. ;) Why allow commercial use? Because, all I'm doing is saving a creator time. These faces could be dialed in by anyone with the original character. I've just taken the time to create some distinctive faces, and made them one-click easy. ---- So, what do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? Would folks be interested in perhaps freebie packages of five faces, and commercial packages of between 10 and 20, at about a buck a face? And before folks ask, I cannot make the faces above available. First, they DO use some morph settings from other commercial packages. Second, the two on the right were not SOLELY my effort...those two wouldn't be as good as they are without Kit, and I wouldn't even attempt to take away from her contributions to them. Third, making them available would leesen thier being who they are...those were custom made FOR Kit, and her characters. However, I might consider doing custom packages for folks, if they're looking for something specific. Email me, we'll talk... :)