This is a shameless plug for UVmapper Pro, but never was a plug more well-earned. Anyone who's had to suffer through mapping one of my humble items know I'm an idiot's idiot at mapping. Problem's simple : when it comes to tex maps, I'm untalented - and lazy. I prefer to leave map painting to masters such as RenaPD and Cath P. and everyone else who has the talent and patience for the task. All I'll ever do is load a template in Paint Shop Pro, select areas and fill them w/ some nice straightforward seamless pattern or tex. That takes a nice, flat UV mapping, one you can do easily and w/ an affordable app, mind you - I'm not just lazy, I'm cheap, too ;o) I've done countless tex templates w/ UVmapper classic. All hopeless, not because of the app, but because I just won't do manual adjusting, save for the odd resize or vertex merge. Yesterday, I finally got Steve's superlative Pro version, and I'm STILL not doing any manual adjusting, save for a bit of resizing/rotating and a few vertex merges. Nevertheless, things look just a tad better, I'd say. No skill, no hard work, just a great app. I love this! And no, I ain't working for Steve - but he's been working for us for years ;o)