but I have a few more questions. 1. Is there a way to change the sky once you've started down a scene path, or am I stuck with the one I first selected? I chose a daytime sky but would like to change to a nighttime sky both to lessen the light coming through the window and to accommodate possible future outdoor scenes. Baring that, can I change the Sun into the Moon. Did not see anything on doing that in the manual. 2. This was done in Preview mode. I put a point light on her torch and asked it to cast shadows. I also planted a dead tree outside that window in hopes of getting some eerie shadows on the glass. No shadows anywhere. Does Preview mode even do shadows? This took well over an hour to render. I hate to think what it will take in Final mode. Long time to wait just to find out there are no shadows. Thanks for all your help guys. This has been a great introduction exercise to begin learing Vue. I still need to do some tweaking, but it probably won't be a lot different than this. Maybe some mist near the floor, and if I can figure out how to get halos around the candles, maybe that too. Suggestions are always welcome. jon
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