Forum: Community Center

Subject: I've kept my mouth closed long enough!

dmayberry opened this issue on Jan 17, 2000 ยท 18 posts

dmayberry posted Mon, 17 January 2000 at 5:05 PM

Way back long ago when Poser 2 was the in thing and there was no forum,I was contacted by a nice lady wanting a copy of Bryce to try out before she bought it(before anyone gets their dander up I do test warez out and if I like it I BUY it if I don't I delete it). Her name was Willow,she stated then after thanking me for the copy that she was going to open up a discussion board for Metacreations programs and that she would love for me to drop by and check it out.Which I did. For a long time things grew and there was a great happiness and joining of ideas and the land was flowing with milk and honey.Suddenly the bandwidth was getting to large if the forum was to survive something must be done.Out from the edges of cyberspace a lone voice said "My company has room and will let the forum stay there for free as long as its a non for profit site!"

dmayberry posted Mon, 17 January 2000 at 5:06 PM

(Fur I thank you for your time and effort).OH! things were getting better and better openess abounded free spirits soared. But alais someone showed some pubic hair.Pornagraphy!! was cried and the first censorship was applied. Meanwhile a few adds were placed in unassuming spots.An opposing opinion was posted. No you cant talk back this is MY forum and I say what can or can't be placed here!!!!!!YOU ARE BANNED. the Ideals were broken free spirit curbed and the golden clouds with silver linings were tarnished.More opinions were posted if forum staff agreed you stayed if they didn't you were DELETED. As tensions mounted side were chosen. At this time Edgenet asked whats up with the ads? This is supposed to be non-profit. Oh no its none of your business was the reply,and if you don't like it we will leave!!!And thus formed the Great Divide.Now the world is full of hate full of incriminizations and the golden clouds have left,Metacreations is leaving the field and all has turned to dust! My we are all sounding like a bunch of different RELIGIONS,are way is better and yours is wrong. I JUST WANT TO POSE!!!!!

Legume posted Mon, 17 January 2000 at 5:33 PM

Well, dmayberry, my religion IS better than yours, so THERE! Do not invoke the wrath of mighty ZOOL! Seriously though, imagine you could choose between two flavors of Ice Cream; let's say "Heavenly Chocolate" and "Nasty Rat Asshole Surprise". You choose the chocolate. Then you taste it and say "YECCH!!!" You read the ingredients only to discover that the Heavenly Chocolate actually contains 75% MORE nasty rat assholes than there is in "Nasty Rat Asshole Surprise"! So you try the Nasty Rat Asshole Surprise, and think, well, it isn't perfect, but there are fewer nasty rat assholes in this than there is in Heavenly Chocolate. That's the situation here at Renderosity. We're not going to pretend we don't contain a FEW "nasty rat assholes", but we don't contain as many as some other flavors, and people who are hungry for what we offer realize that despite their distaste, it's better than standing around on a hot day with an empty cone in your hand.

Legume posted Mon, 17 January 2000 at 5:57 PM

Sure! EVERYBODY loves Ice Cream!

SewerRat posted Mon, 17 January 2000 at 7:55 PM

I wonder if they have that flavour at my local ice cream place I do love rats :) SewerRAT

dmayberry posted Mon, 17 January 2000 at 8:42 PM

lets see now so far we now know that Legume likes weasels,rats and Ice cream.Do you like them all at once or some here and some there. SewerRat I think you may have to run that one by Baskin-Robbins. Actualy I have only gone to the other site about 2 times. I had been a firm supporter of Willow and Gang until it became HER site and not the community that made the site as good as it was.It brings to mind the saying "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutly!" I have meet Roy personaly drank a beer with him and he is NOT the conniving type of person that some people have tried to make him into being.I was there when the whole shebang was just a conception ,and I was there when Roy PAID for the domain name,and I was there when some of the newer members first started showing up.Somewhere along the line the whole concept got changed from for the people and by the people to my way or the Highway(kind of like our government). And I fervantly hope that it will return to how it was in the beginning. By the way Legume :Zool ain't got nothing like PORKY.

Legume posted Mon, 17 January 2000 at 8:50 PM

You worship PORKY? SHIT. Not even ZOOL can stand up to PORKY. I apologize.

dmayberry posted Mon, 17 January 2000 at 9:23 PM

I love it when people can joke and have a good time eithout hurting others feelings.have a goodun

SewerRat posted Mon, 17 January 2000 at 9:26 PM

GUYS GUYS! you're getting it all wrong you shouldn't be worshipping zool OR porky you should all be worshipping me! SewerRat (who is getting an ego somethign serious)

scott posted Mon, 17 January 2000 at 9:30 PM

dmayberry. I've been here for just about the same length of time that you have. And I've been given some inside info as well. Everything you said in your first post is factual. And there is even more to the story besides what you posted. If all the members of both forums new the whole story. There would not be a war. ScottA

Thorne posted Tue, 18 January 2000 at 12:35 AM

Personally I think we should all worship the female form because it is the most perfect thing in existence in the entire universe. Wow, Roy lives in the same town as me! Do you live here too, dmayberry? Thorne

fur posted Tue, 18 January 2000 at 8:08 AM

Yep, we all live in Nashville, or there abouts. Remember, I was trying to get you to start a Changling campaign? :-)

dmayberry posted Tue, 18 January 2000 at 3:03 PM

I live in Madison can see Nashville from the house about a mile from Rivergate. Scott yea I left a lot out my little rant was getting long enough as it was.

fur posted Tue, 18 January 2000 at 3:05 PM

Now we just need to make a Titans forum on here! :-)

dmayberry posted Wed, 19 January 2000 at 3:26 PM

sorry fur but I would rather spend my tax money on something more important than a football stadium. I personaly don't have any use for sports much less for the Titans .

fur posted Wed, 19 January 2000 at 3:30 PM

well now, i didn't have any choice on whether they came or not, but as long as they are here and i'm stuck paying for it, i might as well use it as an excuse to drink more beer! :-)

dmayberry posted Wed, 19 January 2000 at 3:53 PM

EXCUSE who needs an EXCUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dmayberry posted Wed, 19 January 2000 at 3:55 PM

and just wait until Legume sees that message. He'll wont to add some kind of shitty tasting Ice cream to the beer