Forum: Bryce

Subject: Diffrences between Bryce4 & Bryce5

ChaosLord opened this issue on Mar 20, 2002 ยท 14 posts

ChaosLord posted Wed, 20 March 2002 at 6:10 AM

Just thought that I should ask... After all, I'm using version 4 and I'd like to know, should I get a new one... Also tell your expiriences with the Bryce 5, for example, is there any real use for the tree lab. After all, the web is FILLED with trees :) Thank you in advance -Chaos

Imamik posted Wed, 20 March 2002 at 7:41 AM

I think that the tree lab is not too useful, u already said why, but i think v5 is way better because of the metaballs and mainly the network rendering(i can't even imagine anymore rendering with only my PC). -imamik

Aldaron posted Wed, 20 March 2002 at 7:47 AM

The tree lab is useful. Even though there are tons of trees on the net, with Bryce 5 the tree lab with the same settings, slightly changes each tree (if you don't duplicate just one tree). IOW if you click create (or load a preset) and depending on the randomness setting, if you keep the same settings for each tree you create, each tree will different from the one before so you don't have all the same tree in your scene. Besides that metaballs are great. Just take a look at the entries for this month's challange. Besides all the new render settings.

Alleycat169 posted Wed, 20 March 2002 at 10:36 AM

For me, the Depth of Field feature of the Premium Render setting is what makes it worth it. Finally I am able to create a feeling of depth by throwing the background out of focus. It just lets you add more drama to your scenes. The tree lab is okay, although the more trees you use, the slower the render gets. I also own the Delvin Forest CD, so I'm up to my ears in trees of all kinds anyway. Network rendering is incredibly useful for doing animation, and the metaballs are just priceless. Bryce5 is definately worth the upgrade.

e-artistree posted Wed, 20 March 2002 at 11:35 AM

Can someone post a url for the Delvin Forest CD? Search here brings nothing as well as Web Ferret. Thanks so much! LynnDee

tuckersaur posted Wed, 20 March 2002 at 12:10 PM

Network render is great if you have more than one machine. All the new premium rendering effects and metaballs are another reason for bryce5. Being able to make your own preset folders and categorize your mats and obps is a really good reason for Bryce5. Bryce5 trees also use metaballs - all those other forest CDs etc use polygons and slow down your renders and your speed navigating thru the scene. Also as Aldaron said, you get much more variety with the bryce trees. Since they are native to Bryce you can use many more of them than polygon trees and they render faster. Bryce5 also works under the new operating systems like OSX and Windows XP. I like all those features of Bryce5 except for some of the interface changes ; ) Scott

Stephen Ray posted Wed, 20 March 2002 at 12:11 PM

Here's the main differences between 4 & 5, ( might have missed something ) Tree lab: has some good points Metaballs: more versatility modeling Light lab: very useful. Premium Render Setting: nice, when needed. User Libraries: great Network Rendering: really helpful for animation ( if you have a network )

Stephen Ray

Alleycat169 posted Wed, 20 March 2002 at 4:33 PM

Attached Link:

tuckersaur, whether you use native Bryce5 trees, old Bryce4 trees or imported mesh trees, you will still dramatically increase your render time. Those metaball trees still use transparency maps, and that equals beaucoup render time. Mesh trees have a lot of faces reflecting and refracting light in every direction, increasing the number of rays to trace. More rays equals more render time. Any way you look at it, trees increase your render time. I believe there is a link to the Delvin Forest CD at

Art_4 posted Wed, 20 March 2002 at 8:48 PM

The Light Lab is probably one of the best features, if you now how to master it!!! it has wondeful and endless capabilities. :-) Tree Lab is useful, but not that necessary

tuckersaur posted Thu, 21 March 2002 at 1:10 AM

Alleycat - the old Bryce trees used crappy trans-maps but the new ones do not. There are no transparencies in the materials used for them. It is true that all trees increase render time, and it is also very true that poly trees cause more rays to be traced due to all the odd angle polygons that reflect light in every direction. Some of the bryce 'preset' trees have refraction set but this is not necessary since they have no transparency. The only time trans-maps are used on the new b5 trees is when you go for a user leaf - all the other leaf shapes already have the right shape and can use simple DTE materials with no transparency.

ChaosLord posted Thu, 21 March 2002 at 3:30 AM

Err...This can be a stupid question, but what are these metaballs? And can I replace them with something that I can create in, for example, Rhino? This "Throwing the focus out", mentioned by Alleycat... Is it same kind of effect as I could do in Photopaint by selecting backround and adding some blur? How are the exporting abilities in Bryce 5? What are these UI changes? And finally...How much does it cost? As live, not in the MetaCreations web page. Sincerelly, Chaos. P.S. I'd like to thank ou all for the information you have given to me and also from the information I will be getting :)

Aldaron posted Thu, 21 March 2002 at 9:39 AM

Metaballs can't be used in other programs because they are part of Bryce's render engine. Metaballs are spheres that when place close together and are rendered they "melt" into each other, if they have 2 different textures then when they meet the textures "melt" together as well. Cost is around $299 USD I beleive, the website is Upgrade from 4 is $149 USD

Sipapu posted Thu, 21 March 2002 at 9:46 AM

It's also available at for a lower price than Corel's.

Aldaron posted Thu, 21 March 2002 at 10:09 AM

Yep amazon has it for $279/$139, you save about $20.