Here I used the Plum tree, and applied your blossem jpg leaves.. (the first one that has pink flowers and bits of green leaves).. but I went into photoshop and selected the bits of green and made them a pink too - for the tree on the left.. then I went back into photoshop and made all the blossems white for what you see on the right... Of course I saved each new tree material with a new name.... I hope that is okay to do, Varian.. this is so much fun and I am desparate for blooming trees as I watch our warm weather bring out the blooms! Now, My request.. since you are SO good at this.. do you have the Acacia tree in the extra veg's ?? It's leaves are so light colored... real acacia leaves are dark green.. can you make a new leaf exchange to make the gray-ish leaves a nice darkish green? Pretty please if you have time?? It would really make all the African images so much more realistic!! Lyne
Life Requires Assembly and we all know how THAT goes!