Forum: Vue

Subject: Atmosphere + Sky - Fill The Background . . . . .

kruzr opened this issue on May 08, 2002 ยท 5 posts

kruzr posted Wed, 08 May 2002 at 1:32 PM

'Afternoon all . . . 8^) Is there some way in Vue 4.06, once you've created an atmosphere, to have it fill the whole background of a scene? In other words, I've created an atmosphere / I've deleted the ground, & now I want to position an object in the scene like it's floating in the middle of the sky, with no ground visible. The problem I'm having is, even after deleting the ground, it's still all white below the horizon line. So basically, I'd like to have the sky & clouds fill the whole background of the scene. I hope I'm explaining this properly? Heheheh 8^o Thanks in advance for any comments or suggestions & have a good one . . . Mark. ;^)

Varian posted Wed, 08 May 2002 at 1:40 PM

Move to the atmosphere editor, and there's a place in the Sky tab to set where the sky begins. Position that to something like -10 or -20 (below the horizon), and the color will fill the scene. Sorry I can't be more specific, but I'm not able to open Vue right now to check the exact setting names. Poke around and you'll find it. :)

zoon posted Wed, 08 May 2002 at 2:15 PM

Also set 'fog in the sky' to zero - that's where your white is coming from.

kruzr posted Wed, 08 May 2002 at 5:28 PM

Thank you so much for the information, I'll check it out a little later & have a good one . . . Mark. ;^)

bloodsong posted Thu, 09 May 2002 at 4:37 PM

heyas; yep, check the 'sky dome height' stuff for the colour map. and/or change the colour map gradient colours. and the fog/haze settings. you might want to put some cloud planes down under the horizon, once you see some blue down there. or, you could point your camera up and stick your object up in the air. or, heck, turn the camera upside down (make sure you turn off 'keep camera level' with that one).