It's kinda wierd to me asking folks if I can take their picture. Some folks don't care, some get kinda defensive, some others down right wierd. This picture is a fine example.
I have always loved this old building near my house. So one Saturday AM, I decided to go and shoot it. Well I must have taken 20 pictures from every concievable angle and distance. I NEVER noticed the guy on the bench. Well, he was dressed up in a suit and was I guess kinda distiguished looking. I figured he was waiting on the bus, it being about 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning at this time.
Well I went up to him to ask him if I could get a closer picture of him sitting there, thinking I could get a great angle and setting with him all dressed up with the old building as a contrast....i went up to him and introduced myself and told him what I was wanting to do.....
Well it turned out this guy was DRUNK on his ass! He started telling me I had to pay him to be in the picture and going on about he needed money....
needless to say, I didn't get the shot I really wanted, I kinda kept my distance from then on...
So you see boys and girls, things aren't always as they seem, so just be careful who you walk up to....