TygerCub opened this issue on May 15, 2002 ยท 23 posts
TygerCub posted Wed, 15 May 2002 at 5:55 PM
Are other folks doing this differently? Is anyone else running into this problem? Would someone explain what I'm doing wrong?
PPPppllllllleeeeeaaaasssseeee :)
starmkr posted Wed, 15 May 2002 at 6:20 PM
I just went there and had no problem Steps 1. Click on Tiger 2. Click on Next Tiger 3. Click on "Free Content" middle of page 4. Put your name and email box 5. Confirm your email, select your platform, Select format and UV map..then access...then download.
MoonRose posted Wed, 15 May 2002 at 7:21 PM
i was running into the same problem...it wouldn't work for the download or the email. i ended up having to disable my firewall to get it to work right.
Wadus posted Wed, 15 May 2002 at 9:30 PM
I just got it... You HAVE to use an Email addy. It has a *(for required info) beside the name but NOT beside Email. I tried without using an email and it gave me the error. But after entering an email it worked...
scifiguy posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 12:33 AM
errrr...they're collecting email addys to download a free model? odd.
bikermouse posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 1:42 AM
yes wierd.
chohole posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 1:58 AM
They then send you an email saying welcome and all that , and that they will email you when anything is added to the site. Its no different from several other sites really which ask you to log in.
The greatest part of wisdom is learning to develop the ineffable genius of extracting the "neither here nor there" out of any situation...."
ronknights posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 6:04 AM
Hey guys, it appears that Dedicated Digital may not work if your firewall is enabled. I have Norton Internet Security, and couldn't get through until I disabled the firewall. I ran into the bad referrer message once or twice. That indicates a problem with the web site or page. A few others times, nothing at all happened. Frankly, that sucks. No site is worth exposing my computer to danger. Most sites I visit don't require me to submit an email address. I invest a lot of time and effort to combat spam. Spam comes when you give out your email address. From what I hear there may be problems with the tiger. Ron
Puntomaus posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 6:22 AM
I had no problem accessing the site even with my firewall enabled. Maybe there is a problem with your browser settings? You can check a box that says no further email. And the tiger works great - at least for me. I guess people should better sell their items to avoid complains...
organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets ~ Julian
ronknights posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 7:24 AM
Please, I'm an Internet Technical Support Engineer. If there is a problem with a web site, it is not a problem on my computer. I've heard that some joints on the Tiger don't work or are non-existant. This has been established in this thread I do believe. As for Free Stuff: I contribute Free Stuff. There are no strings attached, and you don't need to do anything but click on the link to download my items. That's my philosophy. In my opinion that is the way it should be. But that's just my own Not So Humble Opinion. Ron
Allen9 posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 12:24 PM
That's true. When I saw the tiger being re-issued, I really hoped they had fixed the mesh problem, as the tiger's back legs are done wrong (still). What should be the "thigh" and the separate "shin" are one single unbendable "Thigh", what should be labeled "Foot" is labeled "shin" and what should be the "toe" is labeled "foot". THe tiger is great for standing or jumping poses, but can NO WAY be posed sitting or lying down like a sphinx. Actually, I bought DD's "Animal Kingdom" CD a couple of years ago, and that's how they did all the land animals. The feasible poses for each are restricted to a rather few possibilities. Still, they're good for animals in the background in pics. Even close up, if the pose you want is one of the few that they can do, they're pretty good.
Wadus posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 3:38 PM
I dont think its a firewall issue either because I have a firewall and had no problem. Just had to put in an email addy... As far as freestuff goes(for this site) everyone cant link directly to the file because of sites that dont allow direct linking. I have a few items but they are linked to an html page that has the DLs because Tripod wont let me direct link. just my .02( and then some)...
bloodsong posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 4:17 PM
heyas; daz asks for your email to allow you access to their free stuff. did i hear anybody complain about that? (noooo? a'right, then!) :)
Fyrene posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 4:31 PM
Fyrene posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 4:33 PM
Puntomaus posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 5:47 PM
I think the tiger is for free and what I get for free I won't start to complain about. Ok, you have to work on the poses but that's no big thing and it has a nice texturemap without the strechting in the front of the head and all in all - again - it's umsonst.
organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets ~ Julian
TygerCub posted Thu, 16 May 2002 at 6:58 PM
Yep. The firewall from Norton Internet Protection was the culprit. Once I disabled it, I could get in just fine. No biggie. Once I downloaded the model, I just enabled the firewall again, and all was right with the computer once more. Thank you all for your help!
bikermouse posted Fri, 17 May 2002 at 1:12 AM
all: Ah yes firewalls. I've also had trouble with cookies not being enabled, having my internet settings too high or - you name it. Ron: I am sorry you were flamed. People can be incredibly lame online. Glad you were able to solve this problem. bloodsong: just thought it was wierd, not unprecedented. also I looked at your p3d tutorial last night. thanks for posting it.
ronknights posted Fri, 17 May 2002 at 7:45 AM
Hey, bikermouse....Thanks. There's one amazing thing when it comes to downloads: The "knee jerk reaction" is to blame it on my computer (or others). The reality is that there is a problem on the site, or host. Some people are just a little slow to pick up that fact.
Puntomaus posted Fri, 17 May 2002 at 10:05 AM
Funny is that not everyone had problems with the site. If there would be a script error or problems with the website everyone would have got the error messages, right? So, the problems ARE on your site and that's not a knee jerk reaction but just logisch - at least for me. And has we heard from some people it was their firewall or the browser settings that caused the problems. Now, who is a little slow to pick up the facts? Some sites require cookies - if you set your browser to not accept cookies you won't get access or won't see any images on that site (like it is on Fortunecity - no cookies, no images.) If you set your preferences to ask each time to accept or not accept cookies you can decide from case to case to allow or disallow. Same goes for ActiveX. And, please - what answer above could be considered as a flame? Not even mine was, if you refere to that and this isn't either.
organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets ~ Julian
bikermouse posted Fri, 17 May 2002 at 11:13 AM
Puntomaus: It was on another link. sorry I wasn't clear.
ronknights posted Fri, 17 May 2002 at 9:32 PM
One thing you may not know is that quite often you don't know of all the people who have problems. I've seen true situations in which something like a series of Denial Of Service Attacks caused download problems from a given site. Not everyone experienced the same thing. Some people couldn't download at all. Others could download, but only got corrupted files, etc. Believe me it does happen. These problems are not always so cut and dry. Let's try the logic again. I download hundreds of files a week, from many sites. I only have problems downloading from ONE site. Now what does Logic tell you? It's is the site, not my computer. Ron
TygerCub posted Sat, 18 May 2002 at 5:49 AM
Actually, in this case it was BOTH my computer AND the site. It was my computer because after being hit by a nasty virus for the third time, I have my firewall settings at the highest security. AND it was the site, because it asks for something my firewall balks at allowing. As you say, it's not always cut & dry. In the case of this thread which I started, the answer was I had to cut off my firewall long enough to start downloading, then re-enable it again.