Diane, rendered the baby in Poser with white background and with anti alias checked. Copied and pasted into PSP5 as new document. Looks good with the same background. Created another new document, added gradient fill. Went back to Poser baby still in PSP5, made background color to be transparent.Copied and pasted into gradient fill as transparent image. All those jaggies are there. Now I know I could have moved the gradient fill to Poser, but then I would have to move every background there. When I did the ani for Wet65 with the boy on the bike the bike wasn't 3D so I had to go back and forth to make it look like he was on the bike. Finally when I got the right position, I had so much cleanup on it, Christina told me to antialias in Poser(which I did). But when I got him into PSP he was jaggied like the image attached. PS how did I know it was you when I got the message there was a response!!!