Forum: Bryce

Subject: Texture x3.... need some help please!

stringburner6 opened this issue on May 26, 2002 ยท 4 posts

stringburner6 posted Sun, 26 May 2002 at 1:54 PM

I'm trying to do some (what I thought would be) simple texturing using UVMapper and a model created in Cinema 4D. The model is a simple missile composed of three objects. Everying seems to go fine, I load the texture map into P-shop and color it in, create an alpha mask, and save both as bmps. The problem is that when I apply the texture in bryce it textures the missile as if it were three seperate objects instead of just one. They are grouped by default, I tried ungrouping and regrouping them, but no joy. I am using cylindrical mapping, which is the selection I picked in UVMapper when I created the template. What gives? Thanks inadvance for your help.

thunderdon posted Sun, 26 May 2002 at 2:25 PM

This is just an UN-TRIED idea. Set attributes of all three objects to intersection (and apply texture of negative object to off just to be safe) and create a cube that encompasses entire model. Place it so that model is inside and as close to centered as possiable. Set cube attributes to intersection and texture. Render. If this works you may have to play with texture mapping to get right. Let me know if it works! Believe me it might not! Thunderdon. Oh, select each part of object and click on the terrain editor icon to activate the smmothing options panel for all three objects first. Make sure "solid while boolean rendering" is on for all three. Smooth while at it.

Aldaron posted Sun, 26 May 2002 at 3:04 PM

Try setting mapping mode to parametric.

stringburner6 posted Sun, 26 May 2002 at 4:50 PM

You're right Aldaron, mapping mode IS supposed to be parametric, that was part of my problem. The big problem was that I wasn't saving the object again in UVMapper, I was trying to use the template with the original object. It only says not to do that about 4 times in the UVMapper tutorial. Guess I'll read the directions next time. Thanx for the help though