Well, I worked on the trees a bit more... the good news is that the bark is a procedural material which I've put in the free stuff for those who want to use it... Anyway, here is another tree made into a birch.. The way to make these trees is to pull a tree like the maple or the plum tree (left is maple, right is plum) along the z plane... I really had to pull the plum tree so I could get the 2 trunk effect which is common among birch trees... The first is a different kind of birch with the leaves on high... Once you have that, go to display material summary, select the leaves, click on the color blend, and color mask, and add yellow to taste... Next apply my bark material to the bark, and you have a pretty quick and easy birch tree.. If you use Guitta's tutorial for creating a young spring tree, you'll get sparser leaves, which are more indigenous to birch trees... But I'll do that another time for mine... Anyway, I hope this helps... :)