well, I got my roll processed, and it seems as if I have a working pinhole camera! I didn't ask for any pics to be developed in order to save on costs (I just used the laundry money to get the roll back, fudge), and the pics weren't supposed to be anything more than a test roll shot around my room to see if the camera worked, which it did. I was really worried after i shot that the hole was too big... looks a little big, but the exposure seems easy to work with in post in the darkroom. The roll was Ilford 400 black and white. Strange thing. I couldn't take half of the lens thingiemabob off because it was literally welded onto the camera body. That however is fine, because everything like the shutters and what is attached to it permanently as well, and I wanted to keep that for easy shooting (the shutter relase is broken, but pushing down on a little part as outlined in the picture opens the shutter, revealing the pinhole setup). The strangest thing tho is, there is a piece of glass behind the shutter itself, which no matter how hard I smashed (Ismashed REALLY hard too), it wouldn't break (there's 2 very tiny chips in it, which will prolly show through in pics, but oh well, this is a DRITY DIRTY rig, lol). Still, its not part of the focussing system of the lens that I had to tear off(that half is sitting a few feet away from me, not really able to tell what it is anymore). Also, it is curved, which makes me think it does bend light somehow... I wonder though, anyone have a clue? Its a Yashica Electro 35 once again... The pinhole setup itself is quite simple. Just a tiny hole in some alluminum foil, taped onto the area behind the shutter, infront of the iris (which I trashed as well, so I can't open the iris anymore, its a really tiny hole, and was a bitch to tape the foil on top of, and then find the area where the hole is to poke through the foil on). Tape and aluminum foil is all... oh yeah, and a smashed up camera that might've actually had some value, tho its infinitely more valuable to me now. Me can't wait, slide film, black and whtie, colour, ektachrome (typo, shaddup), the works, all with the ability to bring it into the darkroom or slide scanner at school, RA RA!!! oh yeah, the pic above is a scan (a terrible one at that with the old LED Canoscan I got hear, no DOF on the phucker at all it seems) of the "lens" area of the camera. I couldn't scan with the shutter open, cuz, well, i have to open the shutter with my hand or little bit of something manually) Still, that's sort of what the front of the camera looks like, lol. ry