I am finished reworking your headset object. I opened it with Ray Dream 5.5, renamed all the parts, then saved it. Then I opened it with UVMapper, and re-mapped the OBJ, saving both the model and the texture map. Before saving from UVMapper, I went to edit/settings and changed the output bitmap size to 1024X1024. I then opened the bitmap in Painter 6, added the text, and saved it as a JPG. While still in Painter, I did a quick paint job on the texture map and saved that. Then I imported the new OBJ into Poser, applied the new texture map, and here it is. You will need the new OBJ and the texture map for it to work. I am on a PC, and have the whole thing zipped. If you can use a ZIP file, I can upload it or e-mail it to you. Let me know how you want to do this.