Forum: Photography

Subject: This is why I have a 60GB hard drive..........

Michelle A. opened this issue on Jul 29, 2002 ยท 14 posts

Michelle A. posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 7:15 AM

I almost fell on the floor when I saw how large my Pictures file had become....and this is after burning 3 cd's and deleting the pics from the folder.

I am, therefore I create.......

Misha883 posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 7:26 AM

Never throw anything away!

MrMix posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 10:23 AM

my folder is 47mb small

Rork1973 posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 11:00 AM

Little word of adivce: either back them up or move them to another folder, cause if your windows ever runs into trouble & you have to reinstall, the My Documents folder (and similar ones) get removed without any warning. :) Just so you know....17.3GB is a lot to loose :P Anyway, impressive! =)

MrMix posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 11:10 AM

or i would save them as jpg and no as bmp ;)

starshuffler posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 11:11 AM

I want a 60GB hd! I agree with Rork, use a different one outside of your Windows folder. I was able to save some of my files that way when my Windows gave up on me. (*

Artax posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 11:29 AM

hummm... yeah.,.. i have 2 120Gb external HD and i still have space shortage from time to time... and i'm edoing my backups on DVD... =/ BTW... Misha is right... DON'T THROW anything!!! you will need it the day after you have thrown it away... it's a classic... =P

Michelle A. posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 11:53 AM

Thanks for the tip Rork! I'm going to have to do that... @MrMix...most if not all of my images are saved as tiffs or psd's, I never save as bmp and I only use jpg when I'm ready to post to the web. 47MB!! Looks like you need to do some housecleaning!

I am, therefore I create.......

Michelle A. posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 11:58 AM

That makes alot of sense Alpha...I really can't believe how fast those images add up, and I'd hate to lose that work.

I am, therefore I create.......

MrMix posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 12:05 PM

i dont have that much porn pics that i have to save them on dvd

jacoggins posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 6:52 PM

that's why I have 20 or 30 cd's of images. I download the camera onto the computer in a folder, and immediately burn them to CD. Then I go through the cd and reload the ones I want to work on, after post-work, they're saved on another "finished work CD" That way I have multiple backups of images and at about 25 cents a blank CD, it's cheap to do as well....the only problem is which CD is the picture of the little boy with the dog and rabbit on? kinda thing... Jack

Michelle A. posted Mon, 29 July 2002 at 7:23 PM

Well Jack...I'm up to disc #24 today and I've still got 2 more months of images to burn onto discs. It's a little easier to find images with an organizing program. The one I like is ThumbsPlus. I can assign keywords to my images and then when I'm looking for images of say "children".....all those images with that keyword will pop-up and I will know which disc it's on. It's made life alot easier. :~)

I am, therefore I create.......

Artax posted Tue, 30 July 2002 at 3:36 AM

Agree with Alpha on Partitioning Big HD under Windows but... ...Macintosh users around: don't follow Alpha's tip if ya have a Mac. even if ya have a really BIG hd. The Mac FS is happier to work with many HDs and only 1 partition per HD. It work faster and is more reliable. =)

00Hacker posted Thu, 01 August 2002 at 2:00 PM

I have an 80 GB plan on getting another 80 tommorrow.