Forum: Photography

Subject: Hey you! Up in the sky !

Rork1973 opened this issue on Aug 14, 2002 ยท 18 posts

Rork1973 posted Wed, 14 August 2002 at 9:00 PM

Last weekend there was this (hot air) ballooning festival, and cause they were going up into the sky between 7pm & 9.30pm, it was a nice chance to shoot during constantly changing light...or in other words: dusk ;) When I arrived there is was a dissapointment. The area where the balloons were inflated was very a very narrow square, sealed off for the public (really stupid of me not to call up the organization to have ask permission to shoot inside the area). It was also really busy, people crowding around the area, and when I thought it couldn't be any worse, I noticed these lines of bulb lights hanging in between flags (that featured the sponsors' logos)...and cause I didn't took my 180mm with me, I was stuck with 80mm max :( So almost anything I tried featured a line with bulbs and/or a flag. And when I finally got to a so-so spot to shoot, I noticed that they moved (from where I was standing) straight into the sun. =( But it seems that sometimes you can be unlucky and lucky at the same time ;) The event for that night was cancelled, because of the weather - there was a very small area of rain passing us to our noth, but they didn't want to take any risc, or that's what I heard. Lucky enough almost everyone turned around and walked away, creating all the room that I hoped to get in the first place. And so, while the already inflated balloons were slowly being deflated, I took some shots. :) Well, since these things are so beautiful, I thought it might be fun to post a couple here. So apologies if there are too many =) Hope you like 'em....although please feel free to critize! Bart PS I shot them all on Fuji Provia 100F, most at f/16 and the ones with very low light at f/11 or f/8 to maintain some depth and sharpness.