Lyrra opened this issue on Aug 22, 2002 ยท 25 posts
Lyrra posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 3:52 AM
Unique? Non-caucasian? Alien? High resolution? Part of a larger package? not-pretty? A specific theme? How do you answer the question? (be specific!) for all you know a merchant will suddenly make just what you asked for :) Just curious :) Was looking through my purchases (and hoped for purchases) and realised that the only textures I'd wishlisted/bought were things I couldn't/wouldn't make myself, and very unique. (Enigma, RDNABeachbaby, Roxanne). Models I usually intend to retexture myself(Lifeform357, Noggin's Newt, Ironhart's wagons, etc) Lyrra
spudgrl posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 5:24 AM
Part of a larger package. I usually go for those. I like varitaions in my textures. Diffrent eyes, makeup, lips, nails etc. Id like to see more makeup. Exotic to everyday.
leather-guy posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 5:40 AM
I always look for the natural look - the human flaws that are usually absent in the plastic hyper-fantasized 3D meshes and textures. Makeup is easy to add - A good, fresh, natural look is rare. - I'm particularly partial to freckles and tan lines that don't look like they were made from ultra-skimpy bikinis.
MadYuri posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 5:58 AM
...extrem and of highest quality.
All the basics are covered already (I have 20+ purchased Vicky textures). But I would buy someting like japanese whole-body-tattos, warpaint, scarification, stigmata. I would prefer PSD layers so I can apply this to any Vicky tex. Quality goes without saying, I became rather sophisticated lately. ;)
I will probably buy 'Maia&Morgaine' from Blackhearted/Kiera/Rio (solely) because of the tattoo.
hauksdottir posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 6:47 AM
There are only 2 Victoria character items on my wishlist, because much is work that I can do myself, and I'm a perfectionist. :: I'd like Kiera and Blackhearted's "Stone Maidens" because they have the sweep and shape as well as the texture of classical statuary. And LisaB's "Bougereau's Beauties" because she took the time to do the morphs as well as the poses, and they look spot on recognizable and very, very feminine. I purchase quality (Hi, Phil! Hi Anton! H'lo Bloodsong!). I value time spent in getting it right. Carolly
rasputina posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 9:07 AM
what I look for is good brows, fantastic makeup,body shape and tattooing is a big part of my selection process..I like a lot of the Dark Corner products because they usually are exactly what I am hoping to find :) I am really keen on Stormi and dalinise's work because it is always beautiful.
Summfox posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 9:59 AM
Lately I've really been into the cyber-creature look, but I haven't bought anything because I haven't seen something that looks terribly realistic. There ARE some cool ones out there, but all the airbrushing is obvious. I like a more realistic look. Definitely in the market for something really unique and different though - like places where the nature of the skin changes around certain areas but looks like its completely natural for that 'species'. Natural markings, that sort of thing. Some examples: The veins on Seymour from Final Fantasy 10 - they looked natural to his species. Or some sort of fantasy creature where maybe in the areas where the most sunlight hits, they have beautiful green areas where they have photosynthesis. Just putting on a tatoo or tatoo-esque spots doesn't count for me.
Philodox posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 10:21 AM
This will probably make me sound cheap, but if an individual character/texture costs more than $10 I usually don't want anything to do with them... Looking over my Wishlist, I can only see one that costs more... For something like double packs (two characters included in one purchase) I'll go up to $20, but I'm still only paying $10 per character...
Kendra posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 10:56 AM
I like more than just a texture. I recently bought one of Debbie M's because it included poses, a light and tan look as well as eye makeup and different lip textures. As for something unique, I'd love to find a good Native American Indian texture for Mike and Vicki with plain and painted faces.
...... Kendra
Crescent posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 11:32 AM
Natural (makeup as well is okay, but I need faces without makeup!) Asian (need a good one for Michael.) Male (need good ones for Michael in general.)
KateTheShrew posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 1:02 PM
Between the ages of 35 and 55. The textures out there now are either young and smooth or ancient crones, there is no middle ground. Let me have some laugh lines and crow's feet. Give me a bit of dry skin here and there. I want textures with CHARACTER. Maybe a psd file with a series of layers to age a texture from 20 to 90 in increments. Middle Aged Mike is a great texture set, now let us have the same thing for Vicky, Stephanie and Posette, please. Honestly, if I were any good at it, I'd scan my own face and make the texture myself, but alas, skin textures elude my talents. sigh Kate (who really does want more characters who are past the age of 30 in her images)
chohole posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 1:06 PM
I have only ever bought 2 Victoria packs, Melody by Spectre, which has several variations and was also very reasonable on price, and Vairesh's Native american pack from Daz. One of my favourites was a freebie from PWFW. I like characters that give a very definate national character, like the native american girl.
The greatest part of wisdom is learning to develop the ineffable genius of extracting the "neither here nor there" out of any situation...."
Coleman posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 1:07 PM
I would love to see an ultra hi-quality hi-res african american texture that rivals anything else that has yet been offered. True glowing brown skin - not just brown paint on a caucausoid figure. And, since we're being very specific I would like to have a similar texture package that offers a range of realistic dark skin. A range from Vanessa Williams mocha to Naomi Campbell dark. And MAT poses for everything. And..... :)
Penguinisto posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 1:08 PM
I've only bought a texture once - it was Zrincx' Christina texture, because it was based on the photography of a real person.
wdupre posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 3:11 PM
I've been going back to lisa B's Maria for a while now and will probably purchase that. such versitility for 16 bucks? how can you go wrong? but it's true a good authentic photorealistic Black texture would be nice. I'd buy that for versatility. anyone for nubian maiden in temple with spear?
Ironbear posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 3:55 PM
Something that's still on my wish list is a dark, black, african woman texture for Victoria. Something on the order of quality and tone of Quim Abella's Zulu, but female. And photoreal, not painted. There's a lot of black woman textures, but all are american black or mulattos, not the ebony, Maassai or Nigerian black. This is something I'd use consistently wher I needed a unique look for a model, or where I need a good drow female texturein a fantasy pic. Not sure that one purchaser would make it worth a texturers while to do one though....
"I am a good person now and it feels... well, pretty much the same as I felt before (except that the headaches have gone away now that I'm not wearing control top pantyhose on my head anymore)"
VirtualSite posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 4:07 PM
Let me add my yes to Kate's comments. We have literally tons of 20-30 year old Vickies and more than a few old crone Vickies, but hardly anyone inbetween. If Julie Newmar could play Catwoman while in her 40s, then it shouldn't be so difficult for Vicky to ease into middle age gracefully...
rasputina posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 4:11 PM
I would love to see older Vicky textures as VirtualSite says citing Julie Newmar as a perfect example of gracing into middleages and beyond. It'd be nice to see more Native Americans both female and male in any age spectrum, so many variations and some West Indians as well....also like IronBear I'd love to see some true ebony women.
Spit posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 5:22 PM
The preschooler. There's next to nothing for her. I want fantasy for the preschooler. Vikki's textures have way too much makeup for her. LOL
PabloS posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 8:03 PM
I'll third Kate's suggestion. And I really like the idea of layers!
lmckenzie posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 8:19 PM
I second the votes for older (preferably with some morphs), and Black (without the orange cast some seem to have). Photorealistic, hopefully < $30. and... No pubic hair - at least as an extra variation. There are good free and commercial PH props available and it's a hassle to try and smoothly edit out the painted on hair. This is my primary gripe with most textures.
"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H. L. Mencken
Little_Dragon posted Thu, 22 August 2002 at 9:03 PM
... nonhuman. There are over six billion of you on this rock, and although you may well be endlessly fascinating, I'd like a little more variety. Textures, morphs, shaders and fur patterns (for the upcoming P5) ... anything that distinguishes the character from the human norm. Victoria's animal morphs are one of the reasons I like the figure so much.
bikermouse posted Fri, 23 August 2002 at 4:12 AM
I second that - perhaps someone from oh I don't know say Mars? (that was my Jack Benny impresonation) - TJ
RHaseltine posted Fri, 23 August 2002 at 1:22 PM
Unlit - no shading, no highlights on the eyes etc. I'll also fourth (or wherever we are up to) the greater age range requests, and no make-up, and transmapped rather than in-situ eyebrows.
Ironbear posted Fri, 23 August 2002 at 10:04 PM
I found a partial solution for the black textures, for me anyway.... the Vicki to Steph remap in freebies. It'll let you use some of the mike only textures that have varaints you can't get otherwise.
"I am a good person now and it feels... well, pretty much the same as I felt before (except that the headaches have gone away now that I'm not wearing control top pantyhose on my head anymore)"