Tue, Feb 11, 12:35 PM CST

Renderosity Forums / MarketPlace Showcase

Welcome to the MarketPlace Showcase Forum

Forum Moderators: Staff

MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 11 7:06 am)

Welcome to the MarketPlace Showcase Forum. The Showcase Forum and Gallery are intended for all commercial related postings by active Renderosity MarketPlace Vendors only. This is a highlight area where our membership is invited to review in greater detail the various art products, software and resource site subscriptions available for purchase in the Renderosity MarketPlace.


Subject: Quality Free Stuff from Imran

noggin ( ) posted Fri, 30 August 2002 at 12:47 PM · edited Tue, 11 February 2025 at 12:36 AM

I had a go at downloading Imran products when he first loaded them_failed and grumbled to myself about folks flooding the market place....etc However having just successfully downloaded all his 'new' models for vicky I urge all to go get them!! Excellent models rivalling the wonderful As Shanim. A great new Poser talent ! (or perhaps one I've missed before!)

noggin ( ) posted Fri, 30 August 2002 at 1:25 PM

OMGG! Wrong place! COMMERCIAL products! Raps himself over knuckles and copies post to Poser Forum

JeffH ( ) posted Fri, 30 August 2002 at 2:05 PM

Some of those items were from Bat Lab and have been removed.

queri ( ) posted Fri, 30 August 2002 at 3:03 PM

From Bat Lab??? Proof please. Which items? I haunt BatLab and have not seen those-- mind you, the thumbnail is small. Emily

JeffH ( ) posted Fri, 30 August 2002 at 3:10 PM

Imran is in the process of getting permission. The items are no longer in the FS.

noggin ( ) posted Fri, 30 August 2002 at 3:14 PM

Oh dear_ in that case I won't repost until that's clarified. I'm keen to give credit where its due but would hate to 'give succour.....' Could you clarify Jeff and post us a link to check it out? (to Bat Lab) I thought I'd been there but can't remember these models.

noggin ( ) posted Fri, 30 August 2002 at 3:24 PM

Just had a (closer) look at the Readme's. Imran does acknowledge Bat Lab in two of his models (they're modified to fit Vickie)The title includes the Bat_ but it wasn't v clear on download. Are the chinadress and 'new' sets his creation or modified meshes? I rather regret having started this thread! Put it down to my inexperience :-/

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